Wednesday, April 15, 2020

[Class] Orichalcum Chariot

Orichalcum Chariot
HD- d10
Max AC- 16 / Minimum Hit-Points- 7

You appear as a horseless chariot with a square front, and two mighty wide wheels behind. You are the color of bronze, darkened and richer, as your alloy is superior to the old metal. You are also alive, but not in the same way a golem is alive, despite you being so similar. Golems are inert things brought to life through magic words, but you are alive from your very forging, a symbol of speed and motion. You cannot be controlled like a golem can, which is why more of “you” are not made anymore. If you think of golems as men making men in the same way the Gods did, then you are like an angel who men try to make in the same way that Gods made angels.

You can hold two riders and are as fast as a two horsed chariot. At 2nd level, decide if you want to be built for comfort or speed, or roll a 1d2. If you choose, you can become either wider and more spacious, letting you hold a third rider, or you can become sleek and are now faster then two horses pulling a chariot at full speed.

The chariot can race around and make attacks by trampling over things, but have no hands or power to attack on their own. You deal 1d6 damage if you trample a man sized creature, quickly shrinking to no damage or crashing yourself if you try to run over something big like an ogre. You are still a heavy metal chariot, so your wheel could crush a person's foot or you could knock aside a horse running alongside you. You need not driver to move. If an animal or two is hooked to your front, you can control them subtly through their minds, pretending to be a normal chariot until needed. Always count your AC as 16, as you are a heavy metal and hard to damage or scratch.

At 3rd, 7th, and 9th level, you gain +1 to hit for both yourself and whoever is riding on you.

At 4th, 6th, and 8th level, you gain +1 damage for both yourself and whoever is riding on you.

If your game uses Spells, you can cast Cleric spells. You cannot turn undead, as you have authority of the living as you are not alive. You can only cast spells on your rider(s). Check the list below; Sacrament is just a fancy word for “spell level”, just for Clerics.

At 10th level, you become a Divine Vehicle. You can fly on holy days, and can take your rider(s) through the firmament of the world once per year. This lets you travel between the worlds, or to visit cosmic realms of the Gods. You are protected from judgment and the harsh energies of that realm, but your riders only are as long as they stay on you.

1st Sacrament
2nd Sacrament
3rd Sacrament
4th Sacrament










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