[1] Minceform
HD- 1d6+2
AC- 10
10 +1d6
One if by accidental creation, 2d4 in breeding colony
Bite at 1d6+1, plus appendages.
Appendages, Possible Poison, Chaos Biology, Erratic Behavior
The Minceform is an abomination. It is a combination of many kinds of
living things; it may have the head of a fish with the body of a man,
with the trunks or branches of trees as limbs and the tail of any
great beast or reptile. Every part of the Minceform is from another
animal or being, with an amalgamation of these parts making the
Every Minceform has a body and (at least) one head, but they also
have limbs. They have 1d4x2 limbs, symmetrically attached down their
body. Consider these limbs as possible weapons, with at least half
being dedicated to legs. If the Minceform only has 2 limbs, then it
can stand on one of them temporarily to swipe with the other. Limb
attacks deal 1d4+1 damage if the limb is of an animal or thorny
plant; anything that can actually do damage. Every Minceform also has
a 1 in 4 chance of having a poison bite, determined when the creature
is rolled. If bit, you must save against poison or you take 1 damage
per round for the next 1d8 rounds.
Every Minceform is unique. Due to their mix of traits, different
spells or abilities only have a 1 in 6 chance to work on them, but
each “part” of them could be used to target them. For example, a
Hold Person spell only has a 1 in 6 chance of working on a Minceform
if it has a person limb, but that same Minceform may also be affected
by control animal spell or rebuke undead. Minceforms share these
strange genetic traits with each other through “spawning”. They
don't sexually reproduce, instead, they release strange writhing
worms from their skin or mouth, which find other worms to spin around
and form double helix pairs with. This forms a new Minceform after a
long larval state where they are vulnerable. During these states,
animals in nature seem to target and even work together to destroy
the Minceform offspring and their colonies, as if the law of the
wilds acts against the chaos.
Great Green Hopping Swordsman
Usually one, Rarely 1d2+1 in Service to a powerful ruler as his
personal guards
(+3 to hit) Longsword at 1d8+2
Spadewhips, Mighty Leaps, Eyestalks, Easily Distracted
The Great Green Hopping Swordsmen (or sometimes called Green Hoppers)
are a semi-established race. They have smooth and tough green skin
covering their bodies, an unusual head with two whipping appendages,
three eye stalks, sharp teeth, extremely powerful legs, and an innate
desire for combat and lust. They are born with the skills of a
swordsmen innately, quickly advancing through the ranks or fighting
many battles at a young age, into becoming experts by the time they
are adults.
Green Hoppers are well suited to combat, despite the fact they wear
no armor. They deflect attacks with a combination of their sword
skills, jumping ability, and their whip-like appendages on the sides
of their heads. These “spadewhips” have a layer of bone and fat
just underneath the skin, and can whip around their head fast enough
to help the creature avoid swordblows and arrow fire. The main
ability of the Green Hoppers though is their leap. Their legs can
produce an insane amount of force; lifting and launching the Green
Hopper upwards of 40 ft into the air. They can use these to jump out
of pits or cages, fly over gaps or go from roof to roof, and makes
them basically impossible to catch.
Additionally, the Great Green Hopping Swordsman has three eyestalks
on top of their heads. These eyestalks represent both their keen
warrior eye, but also their perverted leer. Chopping off one eyestalk
drops their to-hit bonus to +2, and chopping off two drops it to +1,
representing their loss of their ability to see openings and general
reaction time. Removing their eyes also reduces their libido which is
the second most noticeable thing about them. These man creatures are
from a race that is all male, which is obvious due to the large
endowment they have- indeed its the only thing they feel the need to
cover with clothing. The Green Hoppers constantly try to woo women of
other races with their charm and fighting skill, and if successful,
can impregnate women of any intelligent race to eventually give birth
to another Hopping Swordsman. This is their only method of
reproduction, and as such they journey far and wide to find societies
to live in, as they have no settlements or families of their own to
settle down with. Because of this, Green Hoppers can be easily
distracted by attractive females. They must make a morale check to
strike a pretty girl and have a -1 to hit if fighting anywhere near a
naked woman; one of their eyestalks will turn to ogle.

HD- 1+1
Numbers- Usually
(+1 to hit) Flying Spear at 1d6+1, Planted Haft at 1d4
Spear Mastery, Slug, Magic Spear,
The Spearslug is a small terrestrial creature with a mucus membrane
and an advanced level of skill in martial combat. The slug is always
found flying around on a magic spear, and it is not well known where
these spears come from. The shaft and construction is clearly created
by an intelligent being, but the head is more like a specially
sharpened rough spiky stone. The spearslugs possess no language or
culture, and simply seem to be born with their skills. The magic
spears also seem vital for the slug to live; the slug will die if
captured and taken more then 10 steps away from its spear at any
given time. Slugs can hold their own against lesser warriors, but are
still animals and will prefer to flee.
spear slug always enters combat on the spear as it flies through the
air, as though thrown by a supernaturally strong being, and will
continue to fly around until it hits someone. The flying spear does
1d6+1 damage upon a hit. Once the spear is planted in the ground,
either in the corpse of someone killed by it or if grounded by
another force, the slug will stay near the embedded head and use its
tail to flick the spear's shaft around and hit people in the head
with the handle as best it can. This mastery over use of the spear is
similar to a high level fighter, but due to being a small slimy
creature the slug lacks the strength to make much use of it, thus
making them not too threatening. However the slugs will know the
counters or strategy to avoid or mitigate the effects of all Blade
Arts of 2nd
degree or lower; the slugs innate combat sense letting them avoid
some martial arts moves.
a slug, the Spearslug is weak to salt but immune to acid. Salt burns
the creature like acid, dealing 1d4 damage by shaking a tablesalt
shaker over it, where as causing 1d8 damage each round if say dipped
in a bucket of salt. Finally, the spear the slugs ride on is a 1d6+1
magic spear. Killing the slug allows you to take the spear for
yourself. Rumors of a curse that turns the wielder of the slug-spear
into another slug are totally false- the spears are commonly
collected and used, especially by races with less sophisticated
metalworking who don't mind using a lumpy spiked stone as a
Spiked Skullbeetle
Always One
(+4 to hit) Jagged Maw at 1d12+4, Legstab at 1d6+4
Spiked Body, Eyebeam
These extremely creatures are found only in the timeless wastelands
and deserts. They aren't true living or unliving things, more like
personified forces of nature, and are extremely powerful. Each
skullbeetle appears as a massive, cyclopen skull on the body of a
huge black beetle. Its entire form is covered with spikes. The ring
around its eye-hole is made of some kind of dark gray metal from
ancient times, impossible to sculpt or form into any shape but a
ring; good luck harvesting it from this deadly creature. The black
hole in the center of its skull is an enigma. Within its skull it
channels power to creature massive beams of energy, which is uses to
slay anything that meets its empty gaze.
The Skullbeetle is covered in spikes. Trying to climb or grapple this
beast is a fool's errand- you take 1d4 damage each round you are
climbing on or brushing against the skullbeetle.
The Eyebeam of this creature is its most notable, and fearsome trait.
The Eyebeam kills any mortal being it strikes; only a save to dodge
out of the way or reflecting the attack with a mirror shield will
save you. No normal person can survive it. Its energy washes over its
victims and causes them to fall to the ground as emancipated,
sun-burnt corpses, as though their body baked in the harsh desert sun
for years all in a single moment. The Eyebeam burns through wood and
upturns and disrupts but cannot destroy stone and sand. It can fire
its Eyebeam once every three rounds.
[5] Scaled
Cactus Hand-Demon
Morale- 8
1d4-1 (if zero; replace with one with a morale of 4)
Two claw attacks at 1d4+1
Flying Fists, Disappearing
This creature appears as a humanoid being with bumpy scaled skin and
two slightly oversized hands with smooth skin. At the wrists, the
hands appear like giant gloves, but are no less alive and connected
to the rest of the being. The demon can be turned by a cleric, and
always appears in fields of cacti to harass and torment lost souls
dying in the desert sun.
The most important ability this creature possess is the power to
disappear behind a cactus. To do so, it must simply slip out of sight
from any person or being capable of speech- it can disappear right in
front of an animal companion, but not where a normal being capable of
communicating could ever see it disappear. Whenever it disappears
behind a cactus, it can reappear behind a different cactus to a
maximum of 50 ft away. It does this to stay away from anyone trying
to harm it and to scream taunts, as well as launch its hands as
ranged attacks.
The demon's hands are detachable- they can be fired from each wrist
like an arrow, which flies as a fist that deals its normal attack
damage at a long distance. These hands can also move and crawl
around, groping or strangling people, and can disappear behind a
cactus as the demon's main body can. Groups of these demons enjoy
pouring out waterskins with their flying hands to travelers- staying
safely at distance and teasing the weak mortals about their immanent
doom to the desert sun.
2d6 in Winter, Always alone in Spring
Gore at 1d8+1, Claw at 1d6
Ice Element, Haze of Winter
Slightly smaller then a polar bear, the Ice-Crest is a snow beast
formed partially from snow. It has a large head with harder ice along
it, and a body that is chilling to the touch. As a creature made of
Ice, it shares properties similar to Ice elementals. The ice-crest
takes no damage from cold spells and attacks, but takes double damage
from fire based spells and attacks.
While highly elemental in nature, the ice crest is still an animal.
It still must hunt, feed, and breed to continue the species. It
mostly feeds off of fresh blood, either gored on its head with the
fractures along its face guiding the blood into its mouth or off its
claws- but it also seems to draw energy from the cold itself, or that
energy is granted to it from a sphere above during the winter season,
when they are most active and dangerous- large parties of the beasts
travel around the tundras and frozen mountains seeking prey and
Additionally; whenever an Ice-Crest is about to take a killing blow,
there is a 1 in 6 chance that the attack will instead strike a nearby
piece of ice or pile snow, or the part of the body you were aiming is
simply unharmed as though you were striking nothing but snow
flurries. This power called the “Haze of Winter” is only active
in the winter, when the white bodies of the snow beasts blend in with
the snow and sky, making the beasts more tenacious then they appear.
Exasperated Sword-Spirit
One or 1d3
(+2 to hit) Slash at 1d6, Sword-Trick at 1d3+1
Intangibility, stern lecture
This spirit lays dormant within weapons. While swords are the most
common, some have been found in different weapons like naginatas or
daggers- though usually within flashy and skillful weapons. This
spirit is typically summoned to inhabit a weapon to train young
people in its use, either granting useful advice or acting as a
constant, untiring sparring partner. The spirit has no actual
physical form besides a face that can appear while it is speaking and
the sword held aloft by magical forces. As such, it can only be “hit”
by striking the blade itself, or by carefully piercing the magical
energy cloud that follows the weapon where the face appears- a very
difficult feat.
However, the years grow long. The spirit in these old swords degrades
into something almost murderous; perhaps it forgets how gentle it
must be to not cut flesh, or it simply becomes tired of waiting and
tries out all of its moves on the first sparring partner it has seen
in centuries. Or in some cases, the sword was simply used to tougher
students, and doesn't adjust quickly. This is also the reason most
people recommend not using animated weapons or servants that you did
not have a hand in making- trusting others to create false life is
The spirit can lecture its opponents about their flaws and mistakes
in swordplay, which drags at the spirit. Make a morale check, or a
saving throw modified by Charisma to the character fighting this
spirit. On a failure, they get -2 to hit and damage on a hit from
self doubt until the combat is over. If they succeed, they ignore the
sword and don't let it hurt their ego. Warriors who actually listen
to the sword's advice gain 500 bonus xp, but this requires a bit of
extra time actually sparring with the sword and not dying. This only
works once, and doesn't apply to people who are more skilled then the
sword already. (To-Hit bonus from class and level is higher then +2).
Murder Owl
One or Two
(+1 to hit) Talons at 1d2
Flight, Murder-Vision, Spirit
of Death (1 in 6 chance)
The Murder Owl is a fascinating night time creature. It appears as an
otherwise normal brown owl, but with blood red eyes. Its eye are very
sensitive to light and it will often screech or hoot aggressively if
any unnatural light sources are brought nearby it- scaring many
travelers and confusing it for other red eyed monsters. As an owl, it
can fly and is practically impossible to hit with a melee weapon.
The main power of the owl is its special eyes. The murder own is
known to be like most owls; a bird of prey who feeds on field mice
and other small critters. But this bird also scavenges corpses in the
forests, and does so by use of its magical eyes. To it, blood and
signs of struggle appear bright red that glow in the dark, giving it
a chance to follow a trail to find a wounded or dead creature to feed
upon. If a bear scratches a tree to mark its territory, it would be
dark and in the background, but if the bear scratched a tree while
trying to take your head off, the Murder-Vision of the owl would see
those scratches glowing red- and it could follow them to feed on some
This Owl has a fearsome reputation. It should be noted that the Owl
itself is relatively harmless, only aggressive if cornered or if its
nest is disturbed, and is too small to harm most beings seriously.
However, the Murder Owls are not always alone. Sometimes, spirits of
death follow the murder owl. The death spirits are formless beings,
usually seen by those with the special sight as tiny black shadows
carrying shining silver knives. The spirits of death will detach from
a Murder Owl to follow any intelligent beings that interact with the
owl, and as such folklore around these owls warns people not to touch
or eat one. The spirits of death follow the affected beings and give
the being disadvantage on saving throws against death. The spirit is
also feared for its propensity to kill babies- each baby the affected
person has has a 1 in 3 chance for their child to be stillborn. This
horrible spirit can only be banished by a powerful priest.
the Murder Owl often has a nest where it stores shiny things it takes
off the bodies of travelers and creatures it eats. Each nest is
guarded by the murder owl as long as its morale doesn't fail. The
nest will contain 2d6x5 coins worth of baubles or coins.
Stinky Fartbutt Arrow-Starfish
(+3 to hit) Farted Arrows at 1d6+1, Squeeze at 1d10
Stink, Abysmal slowness, Regeneration
This creature is stupid. People hate this thing, like a God's cruel
joke. However, it exists and it is a serious problems in some places
in the world where it haunts. Usually, it inhabits tidal shores and
shallow seas that become dry during low tides, which is where its
main danger comes from. This creature looks likes a starfish with a
human rear end poking up the top. It smells awful, like a mix of the
low tide, dead fish, and farts. The creature's terrible smell and
complete lack of speed makes it impossible for it to sneak up on
anyone. The starfish is drawn to large mollusks and oysters, and will
gladly crack open the breastplate of a dead soldier to eat their
flesh just as well. Its deathly squeeze is what it does to people it
catches in close combat and who are trapped under it.
The starfish can fart arrows. The rear on its back projectile-shits
an arrow in any direction it aims, propelled by the starfish's
gaseous secretions. The arrows appear exactly as a war arrow, and
different regional variants of this starfish may have different arrow
heads that it produces as well. The arrow flies true and strikes as
any normally fired arrow from a bow would, and can be picked up and
reused. Fart Arrows are commonly offered at markets as an alternate
to buying normal arrows, despite being made of iron, wood, and
feathers as any normal arrow would be, but have the distinct waft of
fart stank stuck on them no matter how many times you wash them. Half
Strangely, the creature's internal biology suggests very little about
its arrow-creating abilities. The small sac inside its bodies
responsible for creating the arrows lies just under the ass on its
back, and quickly forms them from different compounds in its blood
and various other organs. The creature can fart and arrow every-other
round in combat, but this seems strenuous and it prefers to avoid
fighting in the event it “runs out” of butt arrows. Also as a
starfish, the creature can regenerate lost limbs over the course of a
few days and will recover one hit point per exploration turn in the
event you have to retreat to fight it again.
Lumpy Skittermen
HD- 2+2
2d8+2 for a patrol, 1d3 for Guards, 1d50+100 for Village
(+2 to hit) Varies
Intelligence, Spiderlegs, Eyestalks, Primitive Culture, Magic
Lumpy Skittermen are a semi-primitive race of beings that inhabit the
caverns and craggy mountain regions of the world. They seem to be a
very new race, only a few hundred years old at most, and have only
developed a proto-language and the beginnings of a culture. Each
lumpy skitterman has four spider-like legs that jut out from the
bottom of a man-like humanoid torso. Three of their legs are angled
towards the front of their body, with one behind. These legs are
quite strong at clinging to surfaces and pulling up, as well as
clinging to walls, giving skittermen the ability to walk up and down
stone inclines and maneuver over stalagmites with ease.
The other curious feature of the skittermen are their lumps- which
grow around their head and face in place of hair or other facial
features. These grant some small protection against attack. Finally,
the skittermen have long tubular eyes that are prehensile. They can
look behind their own head with them, or look in multiple directions
at once, and they can see quite well in most dark or dim places. As
such, the skittermen are very difficult to sneak up on.
Each skittermen has a role in their society. Hunting patrols head out
in search of food or useful salvage, guards block important tunnels
both inside their cities and outside it, and their “villages” are
little more complex then large communal cave chambers for eating,
sleeping, and socializing. Small side passages or little rock crags
are used to rear young. Each skitterman encountered in a hunting
patrol and as guards will have two weapons, one in each hand. Roll on
the table below. The village-dwelling skittermen will only have a 1
in 4 chance to have a single weapon or ability in one hand, as they
give all their weapons to their warriors. Only few skittermen wear
clothing- always to the magically inclined. The shamans of their
society seem to have the most authority, and they know some simple
destructive or disabling spells taught to each other through sign
Finally; what little exists of skittermen culture is fascinating.
They seem obsessed with treasure maps, and understand the symbols of
the maps well enough that they actually make their own. These fake
treasure maps are left nearby the camps and hunting grounds where
intruders from the surface are found; and may lead to traps or
ambushes from a group of guarding skittermen. As a triumph, any dead
adventurer found with one of their fake maps has it staked on a metal
spike to act as a totem. Any skitterman fighting nearby that totem
has +1 to morale.
Weapon Table- Roll 1d6
Metal Hook. Deals 1d6 damage, hooks into shields and can drag foes.
Drill Head. Deals 1d4 damage, 1d8+1 against a restrained opponent.
Spiked Club. Deals 1d6+1 damage.
Rock Fist. Deals 1d4 damage, can be thrown as 1d3 ranged rock attack.
Fine Cavedust bag. Bag of fine black dust; thrown has a 1 in 3 chance
to extinguish nearby torch or create a cloud of choking smoke at a
target stopping spellcasting for 1 round.
[6] Open
Hand. This Skitterman can cast a single 1st
level spell. Skittermen with two open hands can cast two spells and
are given a simple threadbare tunic to denote them as a shaman.
Reaction Table
2: They
The Skittermen throw any ranged weapons they have or strike the floor
to create sparks, which they hope scares the invaders as much as
sparks of light like that scare them. Their shamans will cast
offensive spells at a distance, even before combat is initiated, to
scare off the threat.
6-8: The Skittermen point at the party's items and offer a treasure map.
This map will lead to a dead end with a chained up beast or a pitfall
trap, which the Skittermen patrol occasionally to mop up survivors
and take their stuff. They stay back from the torchlight and will slide the map across the floor instead of getting near the torches.
The Skittermen point at the party's torches and pantomime closing the
lantern hoods or snuffing out the torches and candles. If the party
obeys, there won't be a fight. The Skittermen will still attack if
the group is more then twice the size of the party once the light are
The Skittermen curiously prod at the party's items, offering a
treasure map in exchange. It's not fake, and leads to a small
treasure trove of a dead creature. The lair contains 1d4x100 coins. The Skitterman don't care about gold; they will trade the map for food, water, bandages (they think they're bolts of cloth), and anything that smells sweet or salty.