This is the first dungeon or adventure I ever wrote down. As you can see, it is much wordier then my newer stuff, but it still holds a special place in my heart. I'm surprised how much I got right; multiple NPCs to talk to, multiple entrances, and plenty of stuff to kill you. Not a lot of loot though, the original intention was to get paid for ending the slave uprising to a local lord.
Some of the concepts and setting fluff of this piece are things I no longer use, or have even forgot about. Such is what happens when you write something specific.

Massacre at Slave Creek
The following campaign takes place after a slave uprising. Dead bodies are strewn all along the creek, making the water red. This is what alerted the people in the town to the south, and when the caravan that was traveling did not report in on time that alerted the Fort to the North. Both are directions which the party members could approach from.Each area is detailed below. Roll a random encounter each night fall, or during the day if the party is being really loud or spending a lot of time in one place out in the open.
Smashed Wagon + Bridge
is the remains of the convoy. The wagon has been smashed apart
completely, all of the valuables taken but much of the chassis and
the broken wheels remain.
slave chains have been thrown down on the ground here in defiance.
The manacles have been opened via a key. Anyone stupid enough to put
one on would not be able to open it without a key, which is in the
possession of Deltus.
dead bodies here are numerous, but most seem to have been made at
bank of the river, as if someone chased somebody there as to corner
them. The bodies have no identifying armor or marks, it is difficult
to determine which is a slave and which is a soldier. The slaves have
taken the clothes and armor of both soldiers and other slaves to
better equip themselves. There are very clear tracks and drag marks
leading from here to the south-west into the trees.
Warning Tree
outside of the slave camp. The tree has two bodies hanging on it, the
first is a dead slave who is cut to hell with the word TRAITOR cut
into his chest. The other corpse is a female nobleman who is utterly
beaten and brutalized. Her gown was seemingly taken but some of her
undergarments remain even on her corpse. She was an Indigo and her
bloodied marks are purple.
Slave Camp
ramshackle area the slaves have set up as their camp area. Without
any good equipment or training they are mostly just set up in a small
clearing with lean-to shelters and blankets on the ground for their
sleeping and wounded to rest on. The slaves are currently burning a
large bonfire and warming themselves on it, as well as making spears
and bows and arrows. The slave leaders are the ones wearing modified
guard armor (it's normal armor but with the red fabric ripped off)
and they wield metal spears.
slaves will not let party members approach without a promise of
nonviolence or to help their cause. Any party member that looks or
identifies themselves as a noble or authority figure is at risk of
being captured. The slave's are bloodthirsty against any authority
figures as they are rebelling. They are not very kind themselves, but
will extol their virtues as fighting for their freedom.
the camp are several important characters;
Deltus (2
HD, 14 AC, +1 to Hit, d6 damage)
proclaimed leader of the slaves, has a fierce rivalry with Icantal
because he once was punished
with more lashes then he was. Deltus seems currently larger then
life, even magical, and full of confidence because of it. Deltus
wears the key to the manacles around his neck, and has full guard
armor as well as the weapon of the captain of the soldiers, a rapier
encrusted with pearls. He claims to have killed the man himself, but
has no proof and gets defensive if pressed. The key has become such a
symbol to the man if taken from him it physically weakens him. (It
has become a magical totem to him; -5 AC and -2 to hit)
Icantal (2
HD, 12 AC, metal spear d6)
Second in command of the rebels, only barely tolerates
Deltus and his showboating. Icantal is somewhat more pragmatic, but
also more honorable and willing to strike a deal or compromise.
Icantal wears some of the soldier armor, but doesn't have the magic
of his leader.
Icantal has about 2/3 of the slaves more loyal to him
then the leader, but he knows that starting a civil war among the
group without more support would cause too many losses and will
result in them getting captured anyway, so he bides his time.
Jack Salt (2
HD, 11AC, hammer d8)
Not a leader among the slaves, but a hero among them.
Said to be the one who picked up a hammer and killed a guard allowing
the rebellion to happen. Truthfully Jack wanted to kill that guard
because of his abuses against him, not escape. He doesn't care about
the rebellion and would jump the chance to be taken out of here, but
he knows he can't leave the slave camp because they won't let their
'hero' leave.
Makes a good replacement PC. Level 1 warrior with 15
Imprisoned Ladies
the noblewoman (the dead female Noblewoman named Ilana from
the Warning Tree) had been killed, the other ladies have been kept
here. They are bound with the same chains the slaves once had on
themselves. There is a small built platform with a roof and floor off
the ground to keep the ladies in 'good condition' as the slaves plan
on ransoming them off as soon as they can.
are two ladies, Miriam and Intess.
Both the ladies are surprisingly well off. Miriam is hysterical but
not stupid, of noble standing. Intess truthfully has a silver ring
worn on one of her toes, hidden from the slaves who otherwise took
everything of value. She is also a level 1 magic user, but only knows
how to power a magic discus; giving her a shield, wooden lid or wheel
may be an acceptable substitute. She is a replacement PC with the
power of Magic Disc.
Fortified camp with many tents and barricades and
earthworks. The soldiers are bruised and bloodied, but alert and very
eager to take the fight back to the Slaves. The soldiers cannot move
out without their leader and the court mage however, who they will
disappear into the River Cove if the party agrees to help them and
does not seem to be working for the slaves.
Hammond (2
HD, 10 AC, d8 Inscribed Axe)
soldier camp has a second in command named Hammond.
He is in charge until the commander can return, if at all. His axe is
scribed with the names of his twelve brothers and sisters.
Hidden rocks nearby the slave camp. The slaves have no
idea they are here, but somebody scouting around here could find
Leads underground at the Dark Den entrance.
Large but seemingly shallow cave in the side of the
river. Knee deep of water even as one walks inside, but its hard to
see that it goes deeper in as you go in deeper. The soldiers and
slaves both know about it, and the soldiers are very worried since
they know their commander and mage were chased down here during the
Leads underground to the River Cove entrance.
Den Entrance)
Rocks Trap
Falling rocks on the ceiling. The area beforehand has a
few small clues, mostly the stalactites in the cave stopping around
the area of the traps, and the rocks above looking very bumpy and
irregular. The floor has a wooden pressure plate that can be
activated by a 10 foot pole or other device, or can be crept around
if you are careful.
Causes a bunch of rocks to fall on your heads that deal 3d6 damage to whoever is caught within the blast; Reflex save to instead only take 1d6.
If activated this trap is so loud as to alert ALL the
Ceruleans deeper underground.
Second line of defense for the Ceruleans. Does nothing
to the party but if triggered it makes many metal scales and chimes
fall in a clatter that alerts the Ceruleans behind the nearby door
that the party is coming. If faced with strong opposition they will
run and call for the entire tribe to help.
The door that leads to the barracks is bolted and locked
with a slide. If knocked upon the Ceruleans within might open the
slide just for a moment to see the humans outside, and then they'd
shut it and prepare around the door for a fight.
HD, AC 9, bone spear d6, blue shield)
Ceruleans have bright blue blood and blue lips, but
appear as savage nearly human people. They have a special blue shield
power; at the start of a combat they gain +AC equal to their HD, this
only lasts for one round though.
Sleeping quarters and training area of the Ceruleans. It
seems they have several wooden and stone weights, targets in the
corner, as well as beds and mats of rotted old leaves and straw.
Among this area are several pieces of metal, a few broken chain bits
and some other gear stolen from the surface, but most of that is in
the crafts room.
This area contains 1d4+1 Ceruleans, as indicated by the red lightning bolt.
This area contains 1d4+1 Ceruleans, as indicated by the red lightning bolt.
Along the far south wall there is a slight indentation
in the shape of a doorway, and by moving ones weight upon it it may
slide forwards and then you can move it to the side as a secondary
entrance into the Storeroom.
Store Room
Food store room. Several urns with leather tops,
stretched and dried to make very tight and clean seals. There are 7
urns; roll 1d6 for each Urn's content only when opened or shook to
determine whats in it.
50% chance for fresh or briney salt.
Blue Cerulean Blood-Paint. Magically grants +1 to AC if worn as
warpoint, for the first round. 8 Uses.
but the air within is extremely fresh and seemingly from a mountain
top. Ends poisonous gas effects or any breathing-related effects a
character suffers from.
eggs wrapped in fish flesh as little foodstuff. Gross but acts as 3
Rations per urn.
of the urn is painted with holy symbols and messages of the
Ceruleans. Breaking it in front of a shaman stuns him, can be sold to
scholars for 2 Silver each.
river water. Actually has gold flakes, not processed fully, but whole
urn has about 2 silvers worth of gold flakes.
Armory with Cerulean made weapons; 8 long bone spears, 6
full quivers of 12 quivers each, four hunting bows, a basket of
smooth stones for slings, and two mostly human-sized breastplates of
armor made from fish bone and scale. (AC +3) There are also several
stolen items here too, including a metal spear and two iron knives.
The armory is not locked but it is not obvious what it
is from the outside.
The weapons in here are not super substantial but
combined with the weapons and equipment of the Ceruleans themselves
they could be enough to arm the slaves to further their revolt.
The leader's room appears to be a chieftain's room. It
has a few war trophies, some maps and documents belonging to the
soldiers that are sprawled out along his wooden stump for a desk with
a still smoking pipe placed just beside. Underneath his feathered cot
is a bag containing 18 copper asses, 4 silver societies and two
silver marks. The marks are tiny bars of silver used as military
currency but because they are a precious metal they are still
valuable, equal to 2 silver coins each. There is also a bottle of
green wine, known as Nald wine. Rather rare delicacy, it is worth 1
The Cerulean's Leader is a large and chubby shaman. He
can hold out his hand to continually create the Cerulean's Special
shield, but every round as long as his hand is held out. He can use
both hands to double the shield bonus.
The leader has another trick up his sleeve. His room has
2d6 mounted fish near the doorway that look ancient and mummified,
but if he snaps his fingers the fish will suddenly flop at intruders
and bites them with sharp wooden pegs placed in their mouthes for
that reason, can only deal 1 damage a turn at most, can be stomped
underfoot by any party member to kill them early, 1 fish stomped per
(2 HD, AC 10, +1 to hit, spirit club d6, painted bow d6, Cerulean
shield of AC= HD for first round still applies to him, can use shield
power with hands.)
If killed in front of any other Ceruleans, they will all
be stunned for one round.
River Cove entrance)
Dark pool, about waist high water. Small ledge of stones
go around the pool, but slippery enough that you might fall in. Dark
pool contains a long Tooth-Snake.
Snake (2
HD, AC 12, +1 to hit, bite d4, toothy length d4, poisonous bite; save
poison or take d4 damage and lose a tooth) The tooth snake is similar
to the Tooth-Fish, except the snake has teeth growing or pilfered
along its entire length. As it moves around and bites and attacks
party members, the teeth along its body will also hurt anyone in
melee range.)
Looks like a suspiciously flat part of the cavern wall,
you can slip between the wall through a crack and go into a secret
area containing the Moldy Throne.
Ancient wooden throne with gold leaf decorations and a
moldy cushion on the seat. Around the throne are six clay servants,
meant to bring service in the afterlife, only worth about 5 copper
each. Under the throne is a bag with a silver moon disc, worth about
10 silver pieces, or a small miracle with any moon cult who gets
their hands on it.
Back way into the dormitory. Rusted lock can be broken
with enough force, but might be noisy.
If Ceruleans have been alerted, the arrows will fly from
these holes from the craft shop as soon as party members step in
front of them. Otherwise the Ceruleans will not notice, but a small
amount of light from the holes can be seen by the party, loud noise
will alert them again.
Pool Fence
Large fence and barricade meant to keep people out of
the spawning pools, and the spawning Ceruleans in.
Small living quarters for several adult Ceruleans. They
have a few spears here too, but they aren't the warriors and are
noticeably smaller and weaker. However Ceruleans do not have gender,
these are simply where the runts live.
These Ceruleans will run and call for help instead of
fighting, but otherwise they have stats as Ceruleans with very poor
morale and to hit (-2).
The Dormitory has very little of value behind a knapsack
taken from a few soldiers; it contains a needle, bandages, and a tiny
clover with antiseptic properties. Usable as a medical kit to heal
1d4 HP, sells for 5 Copper.
Craft Room
Crafting room filled with half completed pieces of
cloth, cots, and a few spears. Along the walls are spots are three
bows, many arrows, and several arrow holes which the Cerulean
crafters use on anyone who passes by them.
Also in the room is a half completed necklace of
semi-precious stones, which could probably be sold for a silver
Deepest part of the cave containing several dark blue
pools. Smells of blood and sex, the Ceruleans bleed into these pools
and their tadpole children seem to breed here. Eventually, new
Ceruleans rise up to join the rest.
In the center of the room is the soldier's leader named Sir Mantle. He is a Cucoy and is actually pretending to be dead. Next to him is the actually dead Court Mage, an elderly man named Sem. Sem's corpse has a a small pouch with four Evaporation Cubes. (Deals 3d6 damage if ingested)
Sir Mantle will spring back to life if the party
approaches and will try to help them fight the defending Ceruleans.
If helped, he will get the soldiers together and end the slave
rebellion, with official payment to the party (5 Marks).
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