Thursday, February 14, 2019

[Class] Charm-Caster

Art @hiroshark
HD- d6
Max AC- 13

You aren't much of a Sorcerer. You can cast spells, but you were probably never formally trained. You've never known much of magic beyond the minor enchantments and bits of craft you can weave, but you have become very good at it. You're not as much the academic, scholarly wizard but more the eccentric hermit. You probably use magic to entertain people or to scam the gullible- going on adventures will earn you a lot better coin, even if it won't gain you any more respect.

You don't have the same education or depth of thought as a regular magician, and as such learning spells is difficult. You probably can't read or write, and will need someone to physically show you how to cast a spell to learn it, as such you can only learn spells from other Wizards. This restriction is lifted at 3rd level or if you generated your character with a +2 Intelligence modifier. However, you get double starting spells to a regular Magic User.

You also don't have the same sixth sense or ability with magic as a caster, but you are slightly more well rounded and have a sort of innate knack with magic. You can entangle bits of magic into a standard object; your shepard's crook, your straw hat, your coinpurse. This object can be recalled to you by simply holding out your hand and willing the object to fly into your hand. The object will fly as long as there is a clear path, but enemies nearby can make a saving throw to keep it from flying back to you, using their strength to stop the pull. If this object is destroyed or stolen it loses this power and you can bond with a new object to have this power.

You gain +1 to-hit at 3rd level.

At 10th level, you become a Master of Charms. If you see someone casting a 1st or 2nd level spell, even once, you can memorize it in your mind and later transcribe it down to cast later. You must do this the following season of downtime from the adventure, else the details and exact incantations slip your mind and you have to learn the spell the old fashioned way.

Magic oozes from you. Every object you own for at least a year and a day becomes magically enchanted. These objects gain a personality and some minor abilities to move around; objects like to clean up after themselves now, perform simple work, sort easily on their own, and care for their master in some strange empathetic way. This happens if you like it or not, and your objects start to become attached to you as well, making separation difficult. As a result, you may become a bit of a hoarder. These objects act as though under an Animate Objects spell at all times, freely, but can only do a maximum of 1d2 damage even if crowding someone. Objects gain personalities based on what they are and where they come from; crocodile leather boots nip at your toes playfully when you put them on, candles taken from a church will spit wax at people who blaspheme near it, etc.

Spells per Adventure Table
1st Circle (1st level spells)
2nd Circle (2nd level spells)





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