Jealous Fire. Envy Flame is the name
for a creature that comes from the farthest realms above. Some say it
is the coalescence of emotions from the astral and telestial planes,
brought down as bright red comets; in the same way that rain
coalesces from vapor in the upper atmosphere. Others think they are
their own beings, driven mad in covet.
Envy Flames are jealous of living
beings. Humans and animals alike; the fire of a living being lasts
for many years, some centuries, and some even longer. The spurned
Envy Flame is a golem and elemental of fire that can hope for a few
hours of a hot smolder, and then death. They despise life, and will
attempt to slay any living creature they come across. The cold
blooded creatures and people, such as lizard men, can stand
absolutely still and not draw the ire of the Envy Flame; it sees the
fire in your vein as its rightful property- the cold blooded must sup
the flame from others just to live. They are not enviable to the
jealous Envy Flame.
HD- 6
to 8
AC- 16
One or Two
Flaming Touch 1d6+1 Fire Damage, Smolder Weapon 1d8+1
+6 to hit, Fast Movement, Corpse to Ashes, Immune to Fire, 1 in 4
chance to hold a Tenfold Burn instead of a Smolder Weapon
Envy Flames are similar to fire elementals but have key differences.
Their bodies are not made entirely out of fire, instead having
several tougher and more solid pieces made of folded and formed
liquid and solid fire along with volcanic materials and several
foreign materials not native to our existence. Some natural scholars
believe they are therefore a higher caste or form of fire elemental-
or what fire elementals are actually like in their home dimension,
instead of working with the inferior forms of fire we have in our own
to create their bodies. However if this is the case, then the
elemental plane of fire is a truly frightening place if the native
inhabitants are like this.
Envy Flames are fast, constantly burning beings. The smell of sulpher
and burnt wood and flesh, but this scent is contained to the light
white smoke that billows of them when they move or “breathe”,
meaning it is possible for them to be stealthy by standing still and holding their breath. They also spark and
sound like a crackling fire, but can suspend this as well similar to
how a human can hold their breath to become more stealthy. They move
faster then other beings and win initiative ties unless the target
has a +2 in Dexterity or higher.
uses both its hands and feet to attack, dealing intense fire damage
at 1d6+1, as well as having a second, primary attack with its weapon.
Most Envy Flames have dark black weapons created from ash and soot,
these smolder weapons are warm to the touch and cut as well as
powerful swords, dealing 1d8+1 damage on a normal hit. Envy Flames
are skilled with these weapons; enough to burn a target with their
inner fire as well as strike with their weapons each round. They can
also dodge attacks and their tough bodies are alien enough to resist
most simple attacks; their AC is 16. Every Envy Flame that arrives in
our world has a 1 in 4 chance to have a Tenfold
instead of its normal weapon.
Envy Flame's body consumes materials much more aggressively then
other fires- especially flesh. While the fire has little effect on
grass or wooden floors, its feet burn through corpses as though they
were butter. Each round the Envy Flame can stab or stomp on a dead
body to consume it utterly- the body turns to fine white ash. This
makes it impossible for an easy method of regeneration or revival to
be made on that being; only a powerful true resurrection spell could
be used to restore a being whose physical form was totally destroyed
in that way. Even if against powerful opponents, the Envy Flame will
spite them by burning their companions instead of retreating, such is
its hate. Needless to say, they are totally immune to fire.
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Art @cobaltplasma |
In the astral realm, burning stars and planetoids gather fire so
intensely hot that it does not even go out with no fuel. This fire
may also exist in other dimensions; but the Astral Realm is where it
collects most easily. It can be hammered into shape by the most
powerful of elemental lords or crafty of Wizards, as the forging
process most weapons and magic metals undergo would only cool this
blade by subjecting it to inferior fires.
The Tenfold Flame can be molded into any weapon shape, including
blunt weapons, but it has the same effect. The moment a Tenfold Flame
weapon strikes you, your skin bubbles and peels and the wound is
instantly cauterized; the fire spreads through your blood and burns
you slowly. The searing heat of a Tenfold Flame deals 1d12+2 damage-
this is normal weapon damage, as the blade is still a powerful
physical force along with elemental fire. It deals double damage to
those weak to fire, but can still harm those immune to fire as well.
Finally, even holding the Tenfold flame is impossible for most
creatures. It deals 1d2 fire damage every round you attempt to use
it, the intense heat cooking your hand, even with leather straps and
gloves to protect yourself. The only way to use this weapon is to
either be immune to fire yourself or craft a specialty magic item to
hold it. All Tenfold Flames are also magic weapons and have an Ego of
4, meaning only Fighters level 4 or higher, or half-fighting classes
level 8 or higher, can use this weapon without it turning on them.
After being hit by it, the Tenfold flame burns again. Inside the
victim's body, the fire blooms through their fat and intestines,
finding cool places to heat and bubble over. Every round after
getting hit by the Tenfold Flame, you must make a hard saving throw
or take another 1d6 fire damage. If you fail ten of these saving
throws in a row, your character is burned utterly from the inside
out, and explodes dealing another 2d6 fire damage to everyone nearby.
Those who were struck by the Tenfold Flame and successfully made
their saving throws still suffer from it; the inside of their body is
still being ravaged by supernatural fire. Every season, they must
make another hard saving throw or have part of themselves “burnt”.
This could be a hand that turns black, or their hair turns white as
ash. Others gain a permanent rash on random parts of their bodies, or
still others have their eyes become dry and turn dark black like
coal- though without any lose of vision, this is merely a sign of internal smoke. Every time this happens, they age another 1d4+1 years and lose
the same in maximum hit points. The only way to stop this effect is
to find a significant magical artifact of cold and consume it, or
quest to the coldest places in the world to dip themselves into water
that could kill them on a failed save; it is the only way to quench
the endless fire slowly burning them inside.
The Tenfold Flame is not a singular artifact, but is instead a
magical material that has found its way into the hands of several
demon and draconic warriors- cleaving their foes asunder with fires
that burns brighter then any in this world.
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