Friday, February 21, 2020

Ink Robe & Scampercord

Ink-Robe – Magic Robe +1
The Ink-Robe is a magical robe made of sticky ink, folded and pressed into the shape of a long flowing robe. The vast majority of ink robes are black, with areas of dark gray to give a bit of texture. More expensive and uncommon robes include those made of red ink, some with gold ink, and even more rare and expensive are those made of blue ink, requiring lapis lazuli. Inkrobes with lighter colors and gray ink are “watered down” and weaker, and it is a symbol of shame to wear an inferior robe like this.

Inkrobes are primarily useful for magic users. While wearing the robe, it grants a bonus to your AC of +1, some minor protection from the magical ink. The inkrobe also reforms itself whenever damaged- stitching together after being cut or bubbled into a burnt crust. It's practically indestructible, with the sole exception of water. Additionally, wearing this robe grants +1 to your saves against spells.

Additionally, the Inkrobe has a further ability to “steal” words out of books. By wiping your sleeve along a book or scroll, you can steal the words away as ink, which is hidden on the robe's surface. It's only visible if the ink and robe are different colors, and each time you are hit with a mace the words on the robe get all jumbled up. By wiping the sleeve against a new page you can transfer the words over, or by washing the robe away you can pick up the letters like tiny metal puzzle pieces and shove them back onto the page. This can also be done against ink drawings, annotations, magical glyphs and so forth; anything written in ink. The robe can 'store' one page of ink at a time.

Whenever a significant amount of water is splashed onto the magic user wearing this robe, it washes away the robe in a puddle of sticky muck, which only reforms once it is collected and dries out. If the amount of water splashed onto you is equal to a bucket or a blast from an elemental rod of water, you get a saving throw to avoid it. If the amount is more then that, or you are fully submerged in water or caught in the rain, then you do not get a saving throw.

The scampercord is made of any normal rope. The rope must be frayed at the end, each tassel is tied into a complex double knot formation at the end of the cord. This becomes the “body” of the magical item later on, with the tassels becoming the “feet”.

The scampercord looks like a spider with a long trailing rope behind it. It is a bunch of knots and cords tied together in a complex magical way, giving them false life. Anyone holding the end of the cord may direct this scamperer with their thoughts, letting them climb the rope up surfaces too complex or far away to throw, go around corners to tie itself to things, bind up a defeated enemies hands without having to get too close, and so on. Scampercords are not special in and of themselves- their magic comes from the knot and if cut or undone they will cease functioning.

The cord-makers who learn this technique can perform it on any piece of rope, and it lasts up to 2 seasons before the cords loosen. At that point, even if not used and kept in a closest somewhere, the lashings will have gotten too slippery and will come undone after one last use of the scampercord. Other long, flexible materials like a strand of glint, a tentacle, some iron chains and so on can also be tied into a scampercord by an expert knotsman, but will come undone in 1d4 uses due to the inherent difficulty in making and keeping a knot with anything that is not rope or twine.

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