Thursday, November 29, 2018

Alien Invasion Generator

How is the invasion carried out? - 1d6
[1] All at once. Massive invasion, no warning.
[2] Slowly, beginning with small exploration vessels and building up.
[3] Subversive. World leaders mind controlled or replaced, military deescalated before arrival.
[4] Eclectic. Aliens prepped invasion by seeding planet with small bits of their life or culture.
[5] Formally. Alien vessels came with ambassadors, gave casus belli.
[6] Great catastrophe. City destroyed, massive natural disaster, etc. Invasion coming soon.

How did the aliens know about us? - 1d6
[1] SETI radio signals. Led them right to us.
[2] They came before, and their first ambassadors were slaughtered. Ancient aliens.
[3] Life on Earth is from a comet that came from a planet they genocided. Came to finish the job.
[4] They seeded Earth with life, or uplifted the human species for this exact purpose.
[5] They just kind of stumbled onto us; warfleet was busy doing something else.
[6] Correctly guessing our planet had intelligent life based on the sun and time span.

Aliens look like? (Leader Caste) - 1d12
[1] Lovecraftian. Weird bulbous fleshy shapes, tentacles, totally inhuman.
[2] Little Green Men. 50% chance to actually be robotic bodies for the fungus-like species within.
[3] Huge buff reptilian bipeds. They look like the type of species that invades everyone.
[4] Insectoids. Different evolved castes to perform specialized roles.
[5] Huge birds. Talons are very flexible; but have traditional wings.
[6] Robotic species. Walkers and drones have a roughly tripod shape, hinting at biological origins.
[7] Kangaroo looking things. Head is obviously artificial- enlarged to support large brain.
[8] Abstract. Made up of swirling mists, colors, shapes, made of light, bubbles, etc.
[9] Jellyfish like creatures that float. Grow membranes on invaded surfaces, stunning stingers.
[10] Tall humanoid shapes; solid colors with glowing eyes and no detail. Naked, don't seem to carry tools or move very fast but somehow still terrifying.
[11] Aquatic muscle-like species. Somehow have advanced technology, individuals “grow” in clusters that make up the base unit of their society.
[12] Look like popculture demons. Red skin, horns, spade tails. Probably have a bunch of pentagrams on their technology too. Religious panic. Aliens designed this look a few generations ago for the invasion, so they're a little out of date to strike true fear into most people.

Aliens technological basis? - 1d10
[1] Total biotech. Everything is a living tissue, specialized for their space-fairing roles.
[2] Machine-Biology. Machines that act as organisms. Practical applied concepts.
[3] Clunky. Large plastic and metal boxes, heavy keyboards and levers. Gaudy colors.
[4] Sleek. Touchscreens, holograms, smooth surfaces. Very clean.
[5] Aura. Glowing areas and waves of light, interacted by touch or psychic controls.
[6] Crystal. Crystals in ports, computers are crystal chips arranged in rows.
[7] Direct brain control. Aliens have sockets in their heads to plug in to control ships.
[8] Anachronistic. Medieval or early industrial revolution looking technology. Makes up for it in advanced materials and pragmatism. Didn't develop new designs, just kept making originals better.
[9] Brutalist architecture combined with touch and glowing displays and AI that lives on the “surfaces” that the aliens control. Insignias and buttons engraved on it.
[10] Advanced modular tech. Rooms and items appear as solid gray blocks or pits filled with texture-less beads, but form into advanced structures on command, sliding out parts and reforming.

Alien Signature Weapon? - 1d6
[1] Heat ray. Burns through anything. Laser beam.
[2] Deadly nanites. Swarms of bots that enter targets and cause total organ failure and death.
[3] Death south. Horrible high or low pitched noise. Kills you if you hear it too long.
[4] Killing Gas. Released from on high, targets only a few species. Colorful.
[5] Kinetic weapons- rods from god. These aliens are boring.
[6] Forcefields. Bounce your bullets back, or just cut you in half with invisible force.
[7] Bare hands. Aliens like to kill us with natural weapons and fight face to face. Either very stupid, or absolutely terrifying killing machines. We need power armor to fight them.
[8] Mutated earth life. Animals, plants, and fungus. They like to create killing machines that also destroy Earth's own ecosystems- Invasive species designed to kill mankind.

Optional weird alien quirk? - 1d8
[1] Constant vocalization. Little clicks, hisses, electronic humming sound, etc.
[2] Arrange things by color. Dead humans arranged by color of clothes, buttons are color coded, etc.
[3] Rather gentle with most Earth life besides humans. Dogs are just stunned, humans vaporized.
[4] Bud constantly. Live young are expected to fend for themselves. Don't care if humans kill them.
[5] Give off thunderous alien war-cry after achieving a goal. Almost sing-song.
[6] Plaster everything in art. Insignias, flags, clan tattoos, whatever they are they are over everything.
[7] Have small, cute fluffy pets. Don't seem to interface with technology or sniff out humans- just companion animals. If one of them gets killed the aliens go apeshit.
[8] Once every day at the same time, all activity ceases and they return to ship at a specific sound or signal. Alien mass or communal feeding time.

How do they Oppress humans? - 1d6
[1] Traditional slave drivers. Prisons, ball and chain, hard labor, plasma whips, etc.
[2] Horrific executions for captured soldiers, torture for fun, cruel experiments.
[3] Mind control devices, pheromones, implants, etc.
[4] Children are teleported away, out of their parents arms. Don't know if killed or brainwashed.
[5] Eugenic programs and forced modifications. Tracking chips, ear tags, humans are experiments. People can roam but any weapon or fortress being built is just blasted down.
[6] Dystopia. Control people through bureaucracy. Calm rebellions through bread and circuses. Give false gifts of virtual-reality entertainment to keep people sedated and ignorant.

Why are they invading us? - 1d8
[1] It's a planet that can sustain life. That's value in and of itself. Humans unimportant.
[2] Might makes right. Subjugate and destroy all threats before they can threaten us.
[3] We have a common ancestor. Humans were the favorite. This is revenge.
[4] Total nonsensical. Their logic and reasoning is beyond anything we can understand.
[5] Integration. Want our DNA, or forcibly “advance” humans to join intergalactic community.
[6] Accident. We look like their demons, human probe acted aggressively or accidentally rammed a colony and killed one of their own, our radio signals sound like threats to them, etc.
[7] Sex. Humans to become alien sex slaves, male and female. Possibly many earth animals too. Gross, but you'll be too drugged up and controlled to have a say.
[8] Food. Humans taste good to aliens, babies are a delicacy- Farmed and sold to intergalactic markets. Could be cooked, drained of fluids, eaten whole, etc. Aliens may keep it a secret.

What is Humanity's last hope? - 1d10
[1] There isn't one.
[2] The Underground resistance movement after the aliens occupy our planet.
[3] Gifted human, destined to be a hero. May have special powers, or may just be really lucky.
[4] Another, benevolent, group of aliens. Feed information, may grant technology to fight back.
[5] Secret vault of ancient technology. Atlantis rises.
[6] The world supply of nuclear weapons. Blow them to hell.
[7] Empathy. Aliens never experienced it, seem bewildered by kindness. Could be shown love.
[8] Hidden bunkers and vaults, aliens can't find it through lead. Wait until this blows over.
[9] Secret multinational organization. Best and brightest. X-Com.
[10] Mother Nature. Storms pick up, animals attack alien invaders, lighting shoots upwards. Could be coincidental or something overtly supernatural is going on. Planetary consciousness?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sunrise Amulet & Diadem of Second Chances

Sunrise Amulet – Magic Amulet
Ego- 1

Amulet of magic invoking the powers and purity of sunlight. It has a very weak ego, and its Ego requirements can be fit by a first level Cleric or another character of 2nd level. Those who try to use the amulet without meeting these requirements, or those creatures of the night (like vampires, werewolves, shadow beings, etc.) can still use the amulet, but it burns their skin like the sun and deals 1 damage per day being worn.

The main power of the sunrise amulet is to, once per adventure, create an illusionary sunrise over a level edge or surface. For example, over the lip of a table or the foot of a bed. The sunrise is clearly fake, but creates a huge amount of light akin to a sunrise would and can blind foes. Additionally, it causes a morale check among vampires or other creatures of the night. Clerics who use this amulet in conjunction with turn undead get +1d6 to their roll of total HD turned, as the terrifying light rebukes the undead creatures.

Finally; anyone wearing the amulet who casts a magic spells to create light can expend it's use charge to increase the duration of the light spell by +1 exploration turn.

Diadem of Second Chances
Ego- None/2

This silvery crown glows with a pale white energy. It has a weak ego, but its secondary ability requires a character to be second level to use it. The secondary ability of the Diadem is a feeling of peace and safety when being worn, and grants +1 to morale and to saving throws versus fear.

The main power of the Diadem and its legendary characteristic is that, when first placed on the head after a great disaster, its user can turn back time. Time reverts for 1d6+1 exploration turns, with only the wearer remembering the past. The same events play out in different ways, as random chance and free will step in, but this allows the user to literally change the future by preventing the past mistakes. Dead friends are revived, resources unspent, things go back to how they were.

Anyone can theoretically use the diadem, and it simply fades from existence after being used, making it a short lived artifact. It is said the diadem forms from the would-have wishes and desire to change the past that builds up every a few centuries in the minds of all mortal creatures; slowly coalescing into the penultimate artifact of time manipulation. If a TPK occurs, the last party member killed may with their dying breath place the diadem on their head to activate its powers, twisting fate.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

20 Magic Camera Powers (besides catching ghosts)

[1] Take a shot of a crystal. It is bigger in the photograph, and grows bigger in real life to match it as soon as it is not being watched.

[2] Once you take a picture of someone, they don't react to you in any way, unless you physically attack them, for the rest of the day. If you took a picture of a guard, you could walk right past them and they wouldn't notice you at all, you could even push them out of the way and they would just think the place was haunted, as long as you don't cause them any serious injury. Officials are starting to become aware of this camera and are making sure to keep their peace keepers and guards separated by thin sheets of paper or wood at compromising angles, making it less likely for thieves to get multiple targets in a single snap.

[3] Take a picture of a page, a note, graffiti, etc. The writing is translated into the language of the manufacturer of the camera in the photograph; retaining as much of the voice of the author and style as possible.

[4] Take a picture of anyone in armor, a robot, or some other strongpoint. The developed photograph has a colored spot on the weak points.

[5] Take a picture of anything. After the photograph is developed, the first person to see the picture will be so shocked and absolutely terrified of the subject that they will develop a phobia of whatever the subject of the picture was.

[6] Take a picture of something magnetic. The object reverse polarity over the next 1d4 days.

[7] Take a picture of an animal. Anyone who sees the developed picture besides the photographer will think it's adorable and not be scared of it, even if it's dangerous or wild.

[8] Evil cursed camera; take a picture, and in the developed photograph you'll appear somewhere in the frame. You're trapped inside the picture. The only way to be freed is someone takes a picture of that picture with the same camera.

[9] Take a picture of someone. In the developed photograph, it shows them with a ridiculous, huge, multi-colored, and accessorized hairstyle. This is the “hair of their true self”. They wouldn't be caught dead actually trying to do that; but if you make a wig that tries to copy that hairstyle you can wear it and act as a magical proxy or clone of that person as far as the cosmic order is concerned.

[10] Take a picture of a wall. The camera develops photos that reveal what is on the other side. Blocked by lead, magic, or walls over a foot thick.

[11] This camera can see the invisible; photos taken of invisible objects and beings are revealed in the developed photographs. It takes a long ass time to develop them though.

[12] Take a picture of coins or dollar bills. In the photograph, they appear as a much higher denomination. You could trick someone into thinking you have a lot of money.

[13] Take a picture. The 'flash' of the camera lingers for 1d6 minutes, all objects hit by the flash glow as though they were still being hit by it, and people get red eyes that were hit in the face and can see in the dark until it expires.

[14] Take a picture. The camera has an attached vial that is filled with “imaging liquid”. This liquid can be poured into a pool of water and the images that are contained within slowly fade in and out of the water's reflection, with each image getting an equal amount of time appearing and at random intervals. Once two or more images are mixed together by mixing the water, there is no way to separate this “album”. If you drink some of this water you have some really weird dream.

[15] Take a picture of the sky. You see giant hands, tentacles, and magical strings controlling everything in the world. Sanity check.

[16] Take a picture of someone performing a skilled task. Anyone who views the developed photograph gains a rudimentary grasp of the task or skill required for it.

[17] Take a picture of something green. “Green” does not exist in the developed photograph; all Green objects are combinations of blue and yellow dots or stripes. If you take a picture of any green plants or vegetables, you will see runic symbols in their leaves and foliage of these colors that act as the ritual symbols for these plants in magical research and spells.

[18] Take a picture of yourself in a mirror. Your reflection is contained within the developed picture and you have no reflection in normal life. This will confuse many people into thinking you are a vampire. This lasts until the photograph of your reflection is destroyed.

[19] Take a picture of a closed door or window. If you develop the photograph, blow it up to a big enough size, and embed it with plenty of magical crystals and paint it with magical ink, the door-picture could be entered as a portal to enter the closed door exactly once, with no easy return.

[20] Roll again. The camera can do whatever you rolled and catch ghosts.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

[Class] Minotaur Warrior-Slave

Art @ Tunacarp
Minotaur Warrior-Slave
HD- d10
AC- Base 12, Max 16

You are a Minotaur Warrior-Slave. You were born into slavery, much the same way a calf is born owned by a farmer, you too are born as property. However unlike cattle, you can fight for your freedom, and be freed; as long as you offer your first born to your owner. And as such, minotaur slaves are kept both capable of freedom as well as a sensible investment for slave owning families. It not wise to take hope away from something so big and strong and driven.

Most Minotaur slaves end up in gladiator pits or as personal guards, but some are loaned out or allowed to venture to enrich their owner. You begin play at level 1 owned by another party member of at least 5th level, or from a local power such as a lord or archmage. All of the treasure you earn does not belong to you, but you gain experience for returning it the same as other classes do.

As with all minotaur slaves, you have a septum ring-piercing. It begins as made of iron or bone, but is replaced by a silver ring at 5th level and then by gold at 10th level. Once a Minotaur is freed, they may remove the piercing, but many keep it in anyway for comfort, or even replace them with magic rings. Any magic ring power that effects “the hand” the ring is placed on instead applies to your head if you're wearing the septum piercing. Also if your nose ring is grabbed or tied with a rope, you get -2 AC and enemies get +2 to rolls to grapple you, by using it as leverage.

You can seek to free yourself from slavery at any point, such as by killing your master and/or running away. However, doing so will make you an outcast among free and bound minotaur, as only those Minotaurs who earned freedom from toil are respected. This is lifted if your master had especially cruel treatment of you or plotted to keep you indentured forever. Your master may also free you at any point, such as when you deliver them a very valuable piece of treasure or perform some great feat.

Minotaurs are strong. Add +5 to your Strength rolled on character creation. If you're over 20, your modifier to hit and carrying capacity is counted as +3.
Your minimum HP is 8.

At level 3, 6, 9, and 10 you get +1 to hit with all weapons and attacks.

At level 4, 8, and 10 you get +1 damage with all attacks.

At level 5, you get an extra attack by goring your horns per combat round. You can only hit one target with it per round, and you can only attack things that you could feasible reach- you can't use your gore attack on giant rats unless they were truly gargantuan. The horn attack does 1d4 damage without equipment bonuses from horn caps.

At 10th level, you become a Herd-Lord. Your master is obligated to free you from slavery immediately, and you gain the respect and adoration of fellow minotaurs, both in slavery and freed. You are invited to lead and be the lord of a nomadic group of freed minotaurs out on the great plains.  As is traditional; each Minotaur family is endebted to the Herd-Lord and must give you their first born to sell into slavery, even if they were born free. Each minotaur baby or 'family line' you sell into bondage grants you a one time payment of 2000 coins.

You may also borrow 2d6 enslaved minotaurs at any time by pressuring their owners, though you will have to pay back the costs of the lost labor those minotaurs could have provided. You are also free to kill minotaur slave owners as you wish, though this will put a price on your head. Doing this will allow you to invoke a slave rebellion in the city or area where you started the uprising.

Additionally, you gain thick skin and ignore all injury that deals 1 point of damage.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

20 Megadungeon Concepts

[1] The dwarves didn't dig deep enough. Something came down after them.

[2] There is a parasite called the expanding wurm. Its body parts are used, in safe quantities, to create potions of growth and giant size. However in its natural state, the worm infects creatures to grow many times their own size, becoming more food for the worm's offspring. The worm managed to infect a badger, which tunneled deeper and deeper to make up for its massive bulk until it died. Now its bones and chambers have become a slowly rotting dungeon; deep under the hills.

[3] Remember your childhood home. The more you think on it, the more you invent and add to the memory. Sometimes, Wizards do this, and sometimes, Wizards go mad. Her memory was placed in the real world; converting everything nearby into a sprawling dreamscape of half remembered truths.

[4] There was a hammer left over from when the Gods made the world. They left it on a mountain somewhere, forgotten. Then, a goblin got their hands on it, and made a dungeon as if a child's drawing of a house and summer day could manifest as a real thing.

[5] It's a magical palace, built to harbor it's residents as they traveled through different planes. It accidentally crash landed here. The crew is all dead now, their machines and spells running rampant all on their own.

[6] Castle of the blinded king. It has no windows, and was built intended to be pitch black. The King who lived their remains so in undeath, his fingers guided along the castle's walls, still trying to rule over a kingdom that no longer exists.

[7] The treants once had a city too, made of their spare limbs, old friends, failed children. The wood was magic, and all was partially alive, as old trees never really die. The city walks.

[8] The most ancient of Gods was a collector. Taking everything beautiful and shiny along with it, and creating a great gray-skinned beast with tusks of ivory to carry them. The elephants broke free from the chains of the God's collection they were once made to drag around, and became a creature on its own, but the collection remains there, wheels long rusted stalled.

[9] The last emperor had an impressive menagerie. Beasts of all sorts and kinds from all over the world were gathered here. One creature, a Ephemeral Bat, was so rare and special that the emperor ventured to get a mate for it. The resulting disaster caused the entire zoo to sink into the ground and be abandoned. Some of the animals have adapted to the darkness, and live in their new little ecosystem down there behind broken bars.

[10] In the blue bayou there is a massive gator that doesn't die. It just gets older, and bigger, and only the upper half of its body is ever seen, peaking from the water to gobble up boaters, fishermen, rafts, and beasts alike. It's bottom half is buried underneath the depths of the swamp in its massive, bloated tail. Within that fatty tissue lay a collection of all the hard matter its ever ate; gangplanks of wood jut out into the black pit that goes deeper into its digestive system, innocent rafters contend with swamp cannibals alike; warping into mutants and monsters within the monster's body forever. Don't try to damage the walls, else the alligator swallows down a huge amount of water; washing away anyone who fails a saving throw.

[11] The lust addled minds of the scrimshaw sorcerers bound themselves in the finest silks, dashing madly through mountain canyons with knives outstretched. The grooves they made lead deeper and deeper in, and entire ecosystem now lives in those dark crevices and cracks, and the narrowest points seem almost purposefully carved to make it uncomfortable, but always possible, for a man to pass through with a tight squeeze.

[12] Portal to another world opens. To prevent the invasion of ours from theirs; a magic barrier was erected. Now that chunk of their world was cut off, separated, and became a dungeon in its own pocket dimension. If the emitter within is destroyed, the other world shard may join with outs, or theirs, or may just be destroyed ending everything within the shard in an instant.

[13] The master painter of the Guild has created his magnum opus; a painting featuring a dusty hill with a ruined fort in the background, a gentle stream besides, and a curious cloud. His skill is so great however, that he didn't realize he painted the fort in the background to become real, a dungeon with blurred and painted monsters within; you can enter the paining like a doorway. Paint thinner burns here like the strongest acids; so use it against the painted monstrosities.

[14] It is not a dungeon, but a tower. They tried to build their way up to God. Something else met them, above the clouds.

[15] Every night, cats go out on the town. But if you follow a drunken cat and are just stealthy enough; you will find its secret path to the city of cats, which is a secret realm behind every city. The city of cats is cast in night, and while the cats themselves are safe, the various creatures of the city don't take kindly to intruders. Ancient treasures of the not!Egyptians are stored here; given as offerings to the cats as living gods.

[16] In the center of the hottest desert in the world lies a palace of never melting ice behind an unassuming sand dune. Red sand, converted from the air and water of the desert, pours out from the windows and doors, mix with the yellow and white sands of the desert, spreading the influence of the palace's cruel master.

[17] The Catacomb. Every one of any worth who has died has had their remains brought here; a procedure close to the God of death. Even those who lived nowhere near have their bodies pulled through the Earth. Every surface is decorated and covered with bones, and the old powers and magic of these bones is great. Undead walk its own halls, animated by nothing more then a desire to guard their own eternal resting place.

[18] There was once a council of dragons, the only time dragons got along at all, and they carved out a communal hoard. It was never used, and not a single copper piece was ever given freely by any of dragon kind. But the slaves of the dragons set up within the hoard, bringing along their own treasures as offerings, and their warriors and slaves await the day a dragon will come to master them.

[19] There is a tower on a lake, with one bridge. The bridge is guarded by three challenges; a watchmen who sees beyond the horizon, a sea serpent that can sweep anyone off the bridge, and flying stones from the tower's own battlements, that shatter all resistance. It's only once you get inside the tower that you realize it goes all the way down into a cave, the tower's original treasure stolen away and taken by the under world.

[20] The sewer under Sariia is a vast and efficient thing, with each new rain sweeps them clean. But the outflow goes down a tunnel into a dark, dark place. An entire lost world exists down there, the sewer their main food source, a feculent kingdom of crabs, rats, and flies. It is ruled by the maggot king, who gorges himself daily and believes that if he gets big enough before he molts, he'll become a God over all things that die and rot away.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

12 Undead Kingdoms

[1] Within the ever-burning sulphur pits. The nobles have lacquered their bones black, and newcomers with flesh slowly melting off them are mocked until they become fully skeletal.

[2] Within the belly of a gargantuan gravel-worm. It can't digest them, and being eaten by it causes no real issues. The creatures cartilages have been shaped and carved into homes for the elites of the kingdom, where as the commoners muck through the stomachs of the beast to sift for inedible materials to pay their tithes.

[3] On the great white mountain top. No need for clothing or shelter; they simply weigh down their goods under the rocks and stones to keep them from blowing away. Getting shoved off the cliff is a minor punishment for minor crimes; takes days to climb back up again and pick up all your pieces.

[4] Within the less-intense realms of the negative energy plane. Feels great to be down for the undead; they feel more dead then when they were alive! They glow with undeath energies.

[5] Colonizing the realms of hell. Their souls are already gone; very little to fear from the demons and their pitchforks. Imps and lesser demons hate them for stealing work; undead torture damned souls for pennies on the eon.

[6] Underwater kingdoms. Live among abyssal fish, skeleton workers slave under oppressive ocean pressures. Create vortexes of water to suck down ships to get their wood and treasure and new recruits from the dead crewmen. Trained fish and shark watch dogs. Black dolphins slap Cleric holy symbols from their hands with their tails, etc.

[7] The ruins of any human kingdom destroyed by a lingering lethal plague. Most people took up their same professions, healers are still made fun of to this day.

[8] Just underneath a graveyard. Dig up to have new members fall from “the sky”. Sneak to the surface world through a mausoleum.

[9] Rickey wooden city built over black lake of horrible leeches. Falling in just means picking them out of your ribs for a few hours. Leeches get lethargic after drinking congealed zombie or vampire blood; trade them away to unscrupulous MUs and assassians.

[10] Flotilla on the open oceans. Don't have to worry about fresh water, scurvy, or fires since none of them need a fire to cook or get warmed up. Recruit cursed mariners and ancient pirate skeletons on old beaches after they get bored of endless centuries guarding some shitty buried treasure.

[11] In the ancient cursed temple complex. The advanced magitech constructs and guards only target living things, so the place is extremely well defended. The bazaar is open once again after thousands of years of nothing but dust. Old mummies only let out of sarcophagi if they agree to forget about their old titles and to not to cast apocalyptic locust swarm spells.

[12] The eye of the endless hurricane. Even if you weight yourself down so you don't blow away, the storm sucks the air right out of your lungs. The undead don't care, obviously, and join guilds where they chain themselves together. Bribing and stealing members from other guilds is how you assassinate their leaders; they get too light and fly away.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ironlore- Clan Dogma Tables

What is this clan's “coming of age” tradition? - 1d10
[1] Skin two ferrets. Alive. It is to prepare them for a lifetime of killing traitors and thieves.
[2] Get the shit kicked out of you by two boys at least a head taller then you.
[3] Build a house. Doesn't have to be for you.
[4] Trek to the site of an ancient battlefield and pay your respects to our clan's forgotten warriors.
[5] Be married to a woman who finishes her rites of womanhood; Before or after, doesn't matter.
[6] Take some drugs and go on a spirit quest. They bring back something tangible and very strange.
[7] Go kill a scary monster in the woods. Most boys just bring back a human bone and pass it off.
[8] Capture a member of an enemy clan for ransoming. Take a lock of their hair and burn it with salt from the blue mine; that way they cannot use Witchcraft on you for revenge later.
[9] Catch & release the elusive magic fish in the lake. The fish is intelligent and very old, and enjoys seeing each generation come out to catch it. If you don't throw it back it will just fly away.
[10] Long, complex, bureaucratic. Mostly involve rituals invoking the Gods and ancestors at different locations and different times of day in specific ritual garb. Takes years to finish.

What age do boys perform or begin this tradition? - 1d4
[1] 12
[2] When their voice deepens
[3] After their Father dies
[4] Whenever.

What is this clan's taboo? - 1d10
[1] Never build your house's highest point over the point of the tallest tree.
[2] The trotters of a pig must not be eaten by children, lest they grow them and waddle into the pen.
[3] Never tell another man's secrets while standing on his own ground.
[4] Never eat the meat of an animal who has seen you. It's spirit will hunt you down in revenge.
[5] Never wear red, and never affix red tassels, beads, or leather to weapons.
[6] Never store arrows pointed to the north.
[7] Never speak poorly of an elemental force. Ie: The forge's fires were too cold.
[8] Animals are always referred to as brothers and sisters.
[9] Women must keep their hair braided or covered when outside. The wind will choke you in envy.
[10] Fist fights are not allowed among men unless both are drunk and naked. This way, no division of class or a cool head will give an unfair advantage.

What is this clan's sacred place? - 1d10
[1] Within the belly of the crux-tree. Many trees fused, an ancient leviathan of the forest.
[2] In the long abandoned mine of the ancient empire; the last ore still gleams untouched.
[3] The center of town, a circle marked by stones and flowers.
[4] The hilltop, where corpses of our warriors are given a sky burial.
[5] An elephant graveyard, which we share with them. Obviously, taking any ivory is very forbidden.
[6] An old shack atop a floating island, hidden among a few hilltops. The shack itself is not special.
[7] The Emerald pond. Not algae; water is clear and bright green. Drink it only if you're starving.
[8] Within the smoking tepee. Mobile; they set it up for festivals and marriages.
[9] The mound in the salt flat. A shallow cave lets you crawl inside, humbling you. Marks on the walls tell the stories of old clans, who you don't care about anymore.
[10] Seemingly empty forest meadow. Still holds the subtle voice of the ancient fair folk which once met our clan and taught us their secret ways to mend cloth and create wine.

Friday, November 16, 2018

30 Thieves-Guild Plots

The plots are roughly ordered in terms of their difficulty and scope. Roll 1d10 for a simple plot, 1d10+10 for a medium plot, and 1d10+20 for a master plot. 1d6+10 for plots against rival guilds.

30 Thieves-Guild Plots
[1] The local lord is having a ball, and has left some barrels of his wine in an unsecured place. To avoid him coming down on our whole organization; just siphon half of his good wine and cut what's left with cheap stuff. All his guests will think he served them cheap wine; we'll throw a party with whatever we take.

[2] Steal a bag of fresh magical flowers from a local witch. They're not magic, she's not a witch. She has been harassed by several local bandits recently though, and she DOES have a loaded crossbow under her bed and knows how to use it.

[3] There's a “civilized” goblin in the next city over. The guild thinks he's got some of his feral cousins in the basement; let them loose and ruin his reputation for good.

[4] Two groups of mercenaries fight for two squabbling brothers who have endlessly warred over some worthless gravel. Sneak into one of their camps and paint some of their color-coded team equipment the wrong color.

[5] Do the old flip the arrow signpost trick to get travelers to go down the highwayman's path. It's only after you spin it do you remember that the letters don't magically mirror themselves, and now there's people coming.

[6] Local Wizard apprentice misplaces scroll; offers reward to get it back secretly, hopes not to awaken wrath of Wizardly master. Guild wants to replace scroll with a convincing fake and find the real one; random gibberish runes should be enough to fool a dumb apprentice, right?

[7] Hide a bottle of perfume inside a Knight's helmet; when he goes into battle the bottle will open over his head letting the guild's informants know which of the captured nobles in this battle should be smuggled out before they are ransomed. The knight owns many suits of armor, displayed down a long hallway.

[8] Release this extra strong sleeping gas in this rabbit burrow- we'll lie to the groundsmen and say we stole all the rabbits. Hopefully, he pays us to “bring them back” before the rabbits wake up.

[9] You're tasked to deliver a hidden message detailing plans to kidnap and torture a young prince. The plans are fake, and a diversion in the event you are caught, as you are bait for the real heist team working across the city.

[10] Starting a protection racket on the low side of the city- the actual lord that owns the land needs to be kept in the dark about it.

[11] Sneak into the Fighter's guild and grab the magic double blade.

[12] Sneak into the Fighter's guild and copy down the secret runes on the edge of the magic shield that's hanging up on the mantle. The shield is also called “The Shrieking Shield”. Good luck.

[13] Sneak into the Mage's guild and steal a fairy in a bottle.

[14] Poison the garden of one of the top members of the Mage's guild. It's in his backyard, the gargoyle is secretly animated as a protector.

[15] Secretly reveal the names and faces of 1d6 members of the Assassins guild to the public. Obviously, they'll come after anyone who reveals this, which is why it needs to be done secretly.

[16] Magic earrings belonging to a member of the Assassins guild; collect shadows on your frame and grants +1 stealth at night. Grab them. You don't get to keep them if you want to stay in the guild, obviously.

[17] There's a portrait in a nearby castle with gold hidden in the frame. You have to repair and hide any damage you made to the painting to leave no trace of your theft.

[18] Steal the diamond from the Queen's wedding ring. Not the whole ring, just the diamond. The ring is gonna pop out of a fanfare machine when she marries again; we want her humiliated when it comes back with and empty socket.

[19] Mercenaries are coming back from a war, their larder fat with coins. Sneak into the heart of the camp and steal several chests filled with bars of silver; to be dived among the soldiers.

[20] Silver Harp stored in the bard's college. It has magic, and is said to repel werewolves. Anonymous buyer wants it in two weeks before they travel to a werewolf infested forest; maybe you could figure out who it is?

[21] Steal the voice of a famous singer; lock it in this magic box. The tough part will be getting her to sing; maybe she talks in her sleep?

[22] The Thieves guild has managed to procure a key to an underground dwarven treasure vault. The problem? The key weighs a ton and is made of stone, and is bigger then a man. You have to get it down there, but you'll get a large cut.

[23] Steal some golden ankle bracelets from a sultan's palace. Thieves guild did not know that the palace was recently taken over by a cruel dijin and his servants; now it's a dungeon.

[24] There is a dragon being situated in a huge city. It's a surprisingly reasonable beast; part of a campaign to improve relations between the dragons and two legged beings of the world. It's brought 1/50th of its hoard with it in its temporary city lodgings. Steal that; and get out before the dragon burns the city down thanks to you perpetuating an interspecies war.

[25] Steal the silver sword of a legendary swordsman. He's a wandering hermit now, the sword is his only possession and never leaves his side. He's also a 9th level Fighter. Good luck.

[26] There was an arrow with a blue ribbon that was fired from a bow that just barely missed the founder of the thieves guild. He tells you to go find it in the godforsaken jungle where it was fired. It has no magic properties or value beyond what is sentimental, a little piece of history.

[27] A new alchemical reagent and a process for exploiting it has been found; it's a common material that even a layman could form into a simple engine and use to create useful machines. The theives guild has their hand in all current mechanical and energy businesses, so you need to steal that research and destroy it. The inventor himself has already created a few androids filled with the stuff, who can blend in with normal humans with blades hidden in their skin.

[28] Steal the head of a calculator golem from the world's most famous inventor. It's attached to a wooden body with iron gears and pistons, but the head is studded with gems and gold. It's valuable, but the golem is “alive” only as long as its head is connected to the body, meaning it will be killed if you take it. The golem is self aware and doesn't want to die, but the thieves guild didn't consider this job a forbidden assassination.

[29] There is a gallery opening in a city; nobles are coming to bid on the collections of a mad prophet artist, who created beautiful paintings that have all come true. Steal the collection in a grand heist. There is a 1 in 4 chance one of the paintings shows the thief holding it, making away from a busy city with a square object tucked under their arm...

[30] The God of Stars has a high priest who has collected one hundred crystals from the heavens that have fallen down, and is about to give them back up. Steal them first, and create a black spot in the sky where a star should be. The crystals aren't stored on Earth, but in a flying palace in space, with astral guardians and moon beasts as its guards and hounds. How will you get up there?

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

20 Surpries to find in your own Mental Labyrinth

Powerful psionic abilities or high level spells may allow people to access the “mental labyrinth” or mind maze of different creatures. This is a physical manifestation of their mind on the astral plane; a combination of their thoughts, memories, emotions, fantasies, and powers. Normally; entering your own mental labyrinth feels natural and calm. But something is out of place.

20 Surprises
[1] Covert group of psychic vampires, gambling on the outcomes of the fights between creatures in your mind made of your worst fears.

[2] Repressed memory of alien abduction. Strange creatures from another dimensions marked you and cast strange “spells” on you.

[3] Your secret talent, gathering dust in a corner. It's for an activity, game, or field that you never expected or didn't even know about.

[4] Your secret talent, built into the walls and floor of a room; hidden in plain sight. It's not a secret at all, your talent is everything you're already good at and do but don't appreciate yet, dummy.

[5] Brain bugs. They're like little ants crossed with beetles, and go about inside your mind gathering unused memories and neglected thoughts and making them into nest tunnels, food, and shaping them into wings for their next mating flight. Seems alarming, but 90% of people have them. You catch this parasite by watching someone else be forgetful, in which case you start being forgetful too because of these bugs.

[6] Your next major personality shift, gestating in a larva. People change sometimes, and in the same way your body replaces your entire skeleton multiple times over your life, your mind replaces your entire personality as well- except these shifts are much more dramatic.

[7] The location of an item you have forgotten. It's in a jammed lockbox; drawn on a map. It's so obvious now that you see it in front of you.

[8] Dusty old relic, it's a significant item from your past life. You have no idea what it is; but you know it was either used to kill you or you used it to kill someone else.

[9] Your favorite dog that died when you were a kid. It's formed from memories and puppy love. As long as you venture in your own mental labyrinth, the hound will stay faithfully at your side.

[10] Your muse; a crumbling statue of feminine beauty. In its hands is a half written verse, a half drawn picture, or a harp gently humming a half imagined song. Taking close inspection of the muse will grant you artistic inspiration.

[11] The Dreaming fish. It's a fish you have been dreaming of, off and on again, for your whole life. It's been forming in your mind, somehow, and is as close to alive as a not-real thing can be. It harbors no ill will or loyalty towards you, it simply wishes to swim out into the astral plane. The fish itself appears as a colorful tropical fish with supernatural powers crossed with the first thing you imagine when someone says “Fish”.

[12] The spy for the local lord or head of the thieves guild. Sent in this sneaky magician to comb through the minds of the sleeping common folk; to see if rebellious plots are brewing.

[13] Your spirit animal. It can speak, but only too you, and gives you guidance. Whatever type of animal it is; you possess both its good and bad qualities. Spirit animals can also join you on your quest through your mind, as a magical guide capable of casting spells and making a bit more sense in your randomly shifting brain labyrinth.

[14] Repressed childhood truma. The censors and manifestations in your own mind are towering and dark, while you are weak and scared.

[15] Nostalgia room. Some of your favorite things locked up in glass and gold cages. There is not a speck of dust The room has a new coat of paint on it; you liked the old color better. 1 in 6 chance that any missed attack vs mind entities in this room breaks open a case and the object within turns to dust. You lose your appreciation for that thing. Nothing new comes along to replace it either.

[16] Well of experience. Literal stone well. Can pull up a bucket full of shimmering gold water to see images of lessons you've learned and skills you've mastered. Drinking from the well grants +1 level for 1d4 exploration turn to anyone, but causes memory loss and experience decay of the mindscape's owner

[17] An altar to the God your character is most aligned or devoted to. Next to it, is a little cartoonish version of yourself with angel wings and a halo, who is like your guardian angel to help you follow that god's teachings. Can't fight but can turn undead as well as a Cleric equal to your level. Will only do it if you somehow have undead inside your brain for whatever reason.

[18] Spell, visualized as a swirling mass on the end of an arrow on a cocked bow with a tiny scroll attached. The scroll has a magic word that will release the spell when spoken in the real world. Kind Wizard must have stowed that spell inside your head when you were young, but you don't know what the spell is. Look at the energies and the incantation for the best clues.

[19] Dead bodies of people you've imagined killing- subconscious projections. Your guild master, fat local lord, annoying village drunkard, etc. They're stinking up the place.

[20] A philosophical epiphany that you aren't supposed to have yet. If you grasp it and understand it, 1d4 Erasure Angels will appear within 1d4 days to fight you. If they beat you they'll just wipe the memory away instead of killing you, and they are dangerous foes in combat. The epiphany is supposed to be whispered to your child on your death bed; then they will spread its message and cause a great upheaval that you are not destined to live to see.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mana Crystal Generator

Roll a “Full” Color or 1d12 on the Random Color Table. All Crystals glow in the dark. Black crystals make things darker instead.

Crystal Shape- 1d6
[1] Wild, jagged. Like a geode. Heavy.
[2] Ruppee shape from Zelda.
[3] Cube. Power level of crystal determines how straight and flawless it is.
[4] Diamond cut. Found just laying there like forgotten treasure.
[5] Long, pointed pillars from where they are found like spikes.
[6] Tiny pearls. One “crystal” is a large handful.

Shine- 1d6
[1] Dull, none. Looks like colored glass.
[2] Translucent
[3] Sparkles when hit by a natural light source.
[4] Prismatic.
[5] Mirror like.
[6] Energy inside; trapped lightning bolts or roiling ethereal flames.

Source- 1d6
[1] Natural. Found in natural areas that share its color and aspects. Flaming red crystals found after a forest fire, dark black crystals at the heart of caves, etc.
[2] Cultivated. Grown in beds of painted sand, exposed to different magical winds. Collected and solidified by fractal beehives, lived in by unseen ethereal insects as a waste product.
[3] Otherworldly. Mana crystals not natural to this plane, must open portals and gateways to other dimensions for short collection trips. Releases monsters into our world. Everyone hates Wizards.
[4] Necrotic. Found in long standing graveyards, the sweat of the dead. Found in the bones of ancient beasts and in the tombs of the old gods. Old bodyparts take on new life.
[5] Monsters. The energies of monsters and dungeons create these crystals, self forming around their alignment to chaos, grows from the rock and refuse. Grows on the back of golems.
[6] Domestic. Found in city gutters or farms. Farmer kids pick them when they weed the crops and trade them in for sweets to local Wizard academy.

Stability & Phenomenon- 1d6
[1] Crystal is very stable. Could be used as a desk ornament.
[2] Moving it through the air makes a light ringing or whooshing sound.
[3] You can hear the crackle of arcane energy if you hold it to your ear.
[4] Gives off some heat or ambient energy feeling, glow is bright enough to penetrate bags.
[5] Electrically charged; touching it releases bolts of energy of its color. Handled with tools.
[6] Hisses, pops, gives off colorful smoke. Minor haunting occurrences nearby.

Power Level- 1d6
[1] Very weak. Must be massed to power an arcane device or cast even a cantrip. Plentiful.
[2] Minor- used as spell components for minor spells or to power trinkets.
[3] Average. Useful to power serious arcane contraptions or hooked up to help with spellcraft.
[4] Above average. Can be worn as a powerful talisman, or destroyed to release energy surge.
[5] Powerful. Centerpiece of an arcane laboratory. Not consumed to cast regular spells.
[6] Extremely powerful. Capable of many great feats of magic without depletion. One of a kind.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Voltaxic Sulphite

Voltaxic Sulphite is a special material used to power machines and create forms of light that can penetrate supernatural darkness. Anyone can harvest a vein of it, but it causes insanity and madness the more you interact with it. Special gear can reduce the damage it causes you, but the Sulphite will eventually erode away your senses.

Every load unit, or a lump of ore, can be used to power a machine for 1d6+4 exploration turns or sulphite torch. If the machine gives off light, the light created by the machine can beat back supernatural darkness, and can destroy creatures made of or partially dependent on darkness to survive. Storing or harvesting each load of ore will force the user to make a save- fail the save and gain 1d4 points. You get +1 to the save for wearing thick gloves, boots, and a gasmask each. If you're wearing all the protections and are skilled with the sulphite and mining operations, you only get 1 point maximum from a failed save.

Voltaxic Sulphite Madness
Every time you fail a save with the sulphite, you gain a point. The more points you acquire, the worse your symptoms get. You get all negative symptoms of lesser levels as well as the one on your current level, added together.

1-4 Points- No Effect
5-8 Points- Reduced saving throws vs mental effects and spells by -1
9-12 Points- Reduced all saving throws -1
13-16 Points- Per day 1 in 20 chance to have a minor hallucination, hear a voice, or seize up for one exploration turn. Lose -1 Charisma.
17-20 Points- Per day +1 in 20 chance to have a minor hallucination. Reduce all saving throws by -2
21-24 Points- Obsessive compulsions towards gathering or studying Azurite ore. Lose -1 Charisma.
25-28 Points- When you take more then 6 damage at once from an arcane or magical source; you have a major hallucination. Causes panic or unhelpful behavior.
29-32 Points- Per day +2 in 20 chance to have a minor hallucination. Can happen multiple times per day; roll again after each hallucination.
33-36 Points- Lose -3 Charisma. Impossible to have normal conversations without someone noticing your madness and awkward behavior.
37-40 Points- When you take 2 or more damage from any source you have a major hallucination. Compulsion for Azurite becomes more severe, and you must restructure your life around acquiring more of it, such as tricking or bribing others into helping you.
41+ Points- Every time you gain another point of madness, lose -1 maximum HP and roll to have an episode where you go insane for 1d6 days. If you die from Sulphite madness or during an episode, you do not die normally and instead become a totally insane madman, haunting the Azurite mine.