Fop Wizard from [12] |
Peddlers of Strange Wares
[1] Gazelle
man, naked, runs across a field with a few tiny pouches. He only
sells 1d4 items.
of these items is a strange item; the horn of his mother, which
grants +2 to the first save vs death the target takes. More then
willing to sell it.
[2] The
Sharpener. Sells multiple bladed weapons, has hundreds of whetstones.
Loudly jingles.
item is a whetstone which grants +1 to hit and damage and also makes
a mundane sword count as magical until it dulls.
[3] Ghost
Merchant. Sells ectoplasmic items that can be touched but not effect
humans, still effects ghost. (ie; ghost sword can't hurt humans, but
can hurt ghosts)
item (even more then all his other items) is a Decanter of Spirit.
Drinking the potion turns the drinker into a ghost for 1d6 hours.
[4] Obese
pink-skinned man, hairless. Very clearly undergoing a transformation
into something else. Wears a huge cloak with many pockets.
item is a magic mask. While wearing it you are immune to fear
effects, but you detect and are turned as though you are
[5] Scantily
clad woman with several orcs under the effects of Charm
spell carrying her bags. Her regular items include a lot of 1st
level spell scrolls.
item includes an Orc in a Jar. When opened it creates a regular,
loyal 2HD orc armed with war axe and chainmail armor. Turns into ash
after 5 Exploration turns.
[6] Voice
echoes from a crack in the wall. Trade things by stuffing money into
the crack, and receive them the same way. Lists all prices and items
item is a magic cloak; grants +1 vs wands
[7] Snake
charmer. Carries a magic flute and a basket filled with 1d6 poisonous
snakes that he flings on people who try to rob him.
special item is a 1d6 use 'universal anti-venom' drug. Cures any
venom or poison.
[8] No
legged man, scoots around on a silver disc. Somehow fights as well as
a level 3 Fighter if angered. Has a backpack filled with useful
strange item is a 3 legged cat, his pet, which he wishes to sell to a
good home. The cat grants +1 save vs devices/traps if you take care
of it.
[9] Strange
woman with cogs on her head, says its to keep her brain pumping. She
sells a number of high tech gadgets.
strange item is a zombie cog; Apply it to a dead person's head to
make them into a zombie with the same personality and voice but
mechanical motives and habits. They die again in 4 exploration turns
and cannot be revived. 1 in 6 chance each time it is used for the
zombie cog to stop functioning.
[10] Bundled
up eskimo, regardless of how hot it is. Has many whale and seal
rations and skins that can be used to patch up armor.
item is the Cube of Vee. This item is unique in that, if it used,
teleports up to 12 people down to the next 'floor' below them. It
automatically finds a safe spot (ie; not in a wall or above lava) to
drop everyone. The cube stays where it is on the above floor.
[11] Patrick
the Witch-Man. He sells many potions in grimy drinking horns and
metal cylinders along with a collection of curved knives.
strange item is a Claw Talisman. The first time the character would
be hit by a curse with this talisman, instead the curse is
transferred to the talisman and has no effect on the character.
else who tries to steal the talisman from you gets the curse instead.
well dressed wizard duelist. Has mastered the arcane arts and now is
looking for lessons in swordplay. If there is a Fighter above 3rd
level in the party that can teach him some moves, he'll lower his
prices by -50%.
items; Sells Aegis Orbs. Tiny glass orbs with a tiny golden shield
suspended inside. If broken grant +3 AC for 3 rounds. If thrown on a
nearby ally it will grant them the extra AC as magical energies
protect them. Has 3 Orbs.
Halfling female, backpack
overflowing with flowers and freshly plucked plants. If pressed, will
reveal her backpack can keep them fresh forever.
item is a Blasting Flower. Pluck a petal to cast magic missile (as
though caster level 1). Has 8 petals. Deep purple color.
[14] Blind
wolfman, gets around by smell enough alone. Has perfumed several of
his weapons and items for easy use in the thick of combat, which he
can do as well as a 5th
level fighter.
item is Dead Dog Tobacco. Despite dubious flavor it grants you an
incredible sense of smell, like a bloodhound, for as long as you chew
it. Lasts up to 10 exploration turns, but can be spit out and saved
until later.
Speaking Snake. Can only trade
goods verbally; revealing hidden nooks and crannies with the goods,
most of which have its children ready to bite thieves and those that
don't pay.
item is snake ball. Ball of snakes wrapped into an orb and put into
stasis. Pull the one tail that is sticking out and throw it like a
grenade; snakes bite and attack everyone nearby. Venomous.
[16] Blind
and Deaf mystic; can perfectly understand common speech by feeling
the vibrations in your chest and throat.
item is a seeking mirror. Speak the name of a named item and it will
point towards it. When you find it, the mirror shatters.
Mermaid, only accepts payment
in pearls. Has many coral weapons and armors, as well as deep sea
remedies and many fish rations.
item; Ring of Waves. While wearing this ring you can activate it to
animate a nearby body of water into a powerful tidal wave dealing 1d4
damage and stunning if it slams enemies into a wall, otherwise knocks
back, drenches, and stuns enemies for a round. 1D6 uses.
Assassin. Made a deal with
Death to turn invisible, but only hunts immortal foes. Prices
increase by +10% each elf in party. Sells thief tools and equipment.
item; White Arrow. Counts as magic and deals +1d6 damage to immortal
Whispering Wine. Strange bottle
of wine that can speak. If it agrees to make a trade some of it can
be poured out onto the ground and it forms into the traded item. It
can only trade 1d8 items before losing all its liquid.
Item; Miniature bottle of spirit wine. If drunk by a someone who died
less then 1d6 combat rounds ago it will revive them at 1 HP. Time
limit of revival not known to the players.
Friendly skeleton. Has a habit
of popping out of closest or chests to spook party members. If
pressed will reveal he was once a noble who got all his bones dipped
in gold after he died. Buys and Sells jewelry.
item; Ruby Tiara. Grants a once daily laser-vision attack that deals
1d4 damage, deflected by shields. If it ever hits a mirror or
deflected by a shiny sword the beam bounces back to the Tiara's jewel
and ruins it.
Rhinoceros Centaur. Bottom half
rhino, upper half minus a big horn is human. Sells hides of extremely
rare and powerful beasts its hunted.
Item; Magic Hyena pelt. You look like Hyena to other Hyenas, and
beside dominance display roughness they won't try to kill you.
Gladiator Fan! Sells
memorabilia of famous gladiators, some centuries old but still
household names. Sells tiny lead statues and toy weapons.
Item; Helmet of Hoolash
the Blinder;
blinded more men then anyone else! While wearing this helmet you
cannot be blinded in the left eye, which includes temporary and
projection dragon. Random color, but always friendly and arrogant.
Sells only advice for secrets in return. Advice includes such commodities such as 'how to get out
of this hole before you die' and 'why I'm laughing at you for
considering fighting what's in the next room'.
Special Item; Mental map of the area or dungeon floor,
jot it down as fast as you can before it fades.
Jester. Only sells one handed weapons and items, seems to have a lot
more then he should be able to carry.
Item; Colorful smoke bombs. Acts like Color
Spray for
those caught in the center of at least 4 bombs at one time. Sells a
pack of 1d12+3
Barbarian, off on his own. Will calm as soon as he sees you though,
will trade his wild smoked meats and mastercrafted axes in return for
being allowed to smash beautiful things.
Special Item; Ice Axe. Axe blade made from a glacier,
never melts. Double damage vs fire elements and things weak to frost.
Barterer. Pocketbook with unusual ability to absorb experiences
written on its pages. In return grants common spells or drawings and
information of nearby monsters. Seems to be controlled from outside
Each purchase costs 1d6x20 experience points, double for
the special item.
Item; Spider
Scribe Spell.
Curse a target, the next time they open a scroll or spellbook a
venomous spider will jump out to bite their hand.
of friendly normal looking dogs deliver notes and packages from
around a nearby corner or door. Explains in the notes that 'he cannot
interact with mortal men directly; so he has trained these dogs to do
it'. If you run around the corner nobody is there.
Special Item; Vanishing Cream. When put on your skin
acts as a limited chameleon effect, giving you +2 AC and a large
bonus to stealth rolls. You're not invisible, just somewhat
transparent. Only has 1 use, lasts until washed off or a full day.
man. Digs up from the ground, offering the spoils of the subterranean
Special Item; Dowsing rods. Hold one in each hand; they
cross when over running water or buried treasure, max limit of 15ft
woman. If standing still, looks like a naked woman. If moving, looks
like a tiger. If only part of her body moves, she looks a bit like
both. Hard to tell where her parts end and the tiger begins. Savage,
wishes to sell you rare perfumes from a far away land in return for
masses of gold.
Special Item; Animal Attraction perfume. Makes you
irresistible to the opposite sex, grants +2 to reaction checks
against them. Not mentioned? Also makes you irresistible to tigers.
prince partying. Carried on a chair by his merry men, surrounded by
several happy serfs. Doesn't matter where the party is, these guys
saunter on through. Willing to trade a few useful items or weapons in
exchange for more alcohol.
item; Sells you the title 'Lord
of Wastille'.
This title is totally worthless, as there is no manor of 'Wastille'
that exists. However you are considered a 'lord' when it comes to
magic and the law, even by people who know its not real.
Additionally, this title may grant you favor with the
fae, who view titles as greater then deeds and names in the first
group of kids. Seem to think and speak as though they have a hive
mind, but don't admit it. Trade you useful items in return for
marbles and candy.
Special Item; Doll's leg. Anyone who carries this leg
and has their leg broken will wake up the next morning with their leg
miraculously healed, but the doll leg shattered and useless.
snake oil salesmen. Most of his oil is worthless as actual snake oil,
but he hints at a special 'deluxe' brand of oil, triple the price. If
you buy from him or not you'll never see him again.
Special Item; Deluxe snake oil. If applied on a weapon
or armor grants +1 for a single combat encounter, if put over a wound
heals 1 hit point, rubbing it on your forehead grants +1 caster level
for next spell cast, and drinking it grants +1 to all saves for the
day. If you use it liberally, grants double the bonus at triple
dosage. The bottle has 12 uses.
rat people. Conniving and seemingly evil, but have excellent respect
for the art of the deal and business decorum. All sales are
honorable, but final. No refunds.
Special Item; Boomerang Blade. Weird bent thing that
deals 1d8 damage at range on a hit then returning to thrower safely.
On a miss returns to thrower dealing 1d8 damage to them instead.
Travels on a wagon filled with stuffed animals and tools to make
them. Doesn't have much to sell beyond his special item, but it is
very expensive. Grants a 30% discount if you let him stuff a big kill
your party made recently (at least HD 5).
Item; Vial of Tarnish-The-Past.
If held to the head of a dead creature an a single moment in that
creature's life is spoken allowed, vial fills with glowing fluid
that, if drunk, allows the drinker to experience that moment as
though they were that creature, added permanently to their memories.
One use only.
elemental. Only an upper torso appearing in a pit of quicksand, warns
people to keep back or be consumed by it. Has a trove of treasures
and rare items from underneath its trap.
Item; Weird variant of a common MU spell. Ie; Frostball-
as Fireball
but with cold damage, Magic
that deals 1d6 per caster level damage vs undead, etc.
Silver coin merchant. Wears gray robes, has two burly guards. Only
trades in silver coins, even if gold or copper is more common in the
Special Item; 1d6 'Lucky' coins. Flip them and receive
+1 to your next save.
Crossbow Expert. Sells, repairs, and trades crossbows of all kinds,
including magical, repeating, and ornamental crossbows. Heavy
mustache and foreign accent.
Special Item; Magical bow OR crossbow string. Glows gold
in presence of abominations, +1 to hit and damage against them.
Obsessed with creating original, pure forms of life. Promises not to
use black magic despite his temptation.
Special Item; Wound Puddy. Insert into a wound to 'seal'
it up with painless, flesh like puddy. Restores up to 1d6 HP
temporarily, 10 exploration turns until it falls out and the wound
returns. Can cause death if your health is too low when puddy fails.
Monk. Aspires to physically perfect himself and spiritually perfect
others- likes to recommend perfect religions for each person based on
their traits even if they already have one.
Special Item; Thunderous Prayer-Wheel. If spun, this
prayer wheel makes a single prayer sound as loud as 1000 prayers in
the spiritual world.
Obviously this makes the prayer that much more
noticeable to the Gods and spirits, but it has little effect on those
Gods that are unwilling or unable to intervene normally.
Soapbubble. Strange fairy that only appears inside of a bubble. If
the bobble pops, she just vanishes. Mostly trades magical cosmetics
in return for odd trinkets of your own.
Strange Item; Magic Soap. Cleanses your entire body and
can be used on equipment to clean almost anything in one exploration
turn. Has hundreds of uses, but like a regular soap bar it slowly
gets smaller until used up.
Mad Mage. Forever stuck ontop of a floating disc he conjured in an
attempt to make a floating disc spell that can transport humans. Now,
he can ONLY be transported by it. Can cast Floating Disc at will and
has a caravan of invisible disks floating stuff around.
Item; Knife of
Slickness this
magic knife can, if used from where it was hidden on the body, strike
a target and instantly return back to its hiding place. The split
second attack would be hard for anyone to follow, especially in a
crowd, and its a favored magic item of assassins.
Different appearance, race, and gender each time you meet it, but the
same entity. Collects all kinds of rare and strange items, sells
nothing common and useful, but many weird and strange things.
Strange Item; Manticore Wand. Red painted wand carved
from a manticore spike and ash wood for the handle. Any offensive
spell cast by an MU using this has a 1 in 6 chance of being
'refunded' after casting, allowing them to cast it again.
Man. Tribal gnoll with a bundle of herbs and plants, all useful for
curing minor diseases, maladies and pains.
Strange Item; Red-Eye Root. Cutting this root into small
slices and wedging it between the spaces in your teeth. Gives you +1
to hit and damage for 3 exploration turns. Can also be brewed into a
tea that lets you ignore the symptoms of any diseases you are
suffering from for 1d6 days. The root he sells is big enough for 3
Fungus Man Trader. Sells several rare mushrooms, mostly useful as
food, drugs, or medicinal uses.
Strange Item; Fungal Elixir. Glass bottle with stylish
mushroom cap. If poured out onto the ground makes tiny edible
mushrooms grow in 1d6 hours on that spot, as long as there is enough
loose gravel or soil for them to grow in. The bottle has enough
liquid to create 50 or so rations total, but they take time to grow
and only grow in wet or dark places. If smashed and released all at
once creates a miniature fungal forest with a million kinds of fungus
Princess. Sells a selection of armor, most of it secondhand. Polished
by juice from the stars and possessing a wondrous shine.
Strange Item; Bouncing Bracelet. Grants +1 AC vs arrows
and other ranged weapons. Secretly one of the gem's in this bracelet
is a scrying jewel she uses to spy on people who buy the bracelet, 1
in 6 chance any day she'll try to steal it back at night.
of the Woods. Sells arrows and waterskins mostly, but hints at his
special item from the moment conversation starts, to drive up its
supposed price and value.
Strange Item; Pigeon in a box. Open it up to reveal a
trained carrier pigeon every day. The pigeon disappears from the
world and returns to the box every day, so it can only deliver
messages within a day's range.
Tenders. Pair, brother and sister, who try to give random dead people
good burials. Sell basic goods cheaply, just trying to cover their
Strange Item; Coffin Powder. Dusting this over a coffin
or sarcophagus calls back to whatever undead creature, vampire or
mummy or whatever else calls it home.
The thing will usually return to stalking the waking
world for 1d6 hours or until the next time it normally acts.
Whichever is longer.
Merchant. Boogeyman-like creature that appears by the sea, wears a
filthy moldy cloak covered in chattering oysters. Speaks in clicks
and moans.
Strange Item; Oyster Gel. Rub this on a living
creature's skin to make them able to breath and move underwater, and
become immune to oceanic pressure, for 3 exploration turns, 3 uses.
the Toymaker. Loves children and halflings alike, builds toys with
nearly magical levels of decoration and motion when they are wound up
and released on a floor.
Strange Item; Tobkins the Coin Cat. Tiny stuffed cat
that, when pat on the head three times, will disappear when nobody is
watching and return in 1d8 days, holding a silver coin in its mouth.
Each time after the first time it is used has a 1 in 6
chance of never coming home, possibly due to having a greedy owner.
Crusader. Broken arm and leg, still on his pilgrimage. Sells trophies
of old enemies he's slain, mostly monster parts and demon horns.
Item; Amber Talisman. Can be used once each full moon to Turn
as if the wearer was a Cleric equal level to his character level.