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Free Hireling (w/ random rolled stats) |
12 Neck-Pets
[1] Pocket Ferret. Playful and cuddly. Sleeps on your shoulders but can be coaxed into crawling on people and stealing things straight out of their pockets. Very smart and well trained, but greedy for treats.
[2] Seadragon. Looks like a leafy bit of seaweed or kelp held around the neck, but will put its head up and shoots explosive 1d4 damage bubbles that knock people back if it's master is threatened. Can't survive out of water without a good spell on it.
[3] Feathered Serpent. Bites the end of its tail like a clasp around the neck, otherwise looks like a feather boa. Can fly and spits feverish poison that turns your whole body red and cooks the hair off your scalp. You can survive it by being submerged in water but it'll boil anything smaller then a pond.
[4] Caterpillar. Not good for much but awfully cute and lovable. Keeps you warm in cold climates, consider it as good as a heavy winter coat. After 2d6 seasons of feeding and taking care of it, it inexplicable curls into a hardened cocoon, emerges in 2d6 days, and gives one last look of recognition of its owner being flying off into the sky. You will never see it again.
[5] Vine-strangler. Covered in flowers and green vines which look more like oiled threads. Wraps tightly around anyone else who doesn't smell like its owner, so no touching.
[6] Paper Chain. Looks like the classic people holding hands but will "flip" its appearance and color based on the situation. May looks like villagers dancing one minute, but the next time you get into combat it will look like a bunch of orcs and skeletons slashing each other with axes. The wearer can't be Charmed or Confused while wearing this; the little papers take the brunt of the spells, turning into kissing (or fucking) paper doll figures or dancing around with mugs like some demented craft project.
[7] Living Poppet. Shawls of simple, frayed cloth at the ends, plush head and hands that flatten in fear, clutching close to its owner. You probably made this as a kid and it came to life, even if you don't remember it. Too wholesome to steal or fight anything, but can talk in a tiny whisper (but only to you), usually whatever it is afraid of at the moment is right around the corner. +1 to not be surprised.
[8] Flamingo. Really, really skinny. Beak can break open tough shrimps and crabs, probably works on locks too.
[9] Spiderweb shawl. Looks like something a Drow would wear. Can be used as rope and a net with strong and sticky strands. The "creature" that lives in the web isn't actually a spider, it's a poor little moth that was cursed to be trapped in this spider web and can't get out no matter what you try. Probably made by a Giant Evil Spider.
[10] Sky Ray. Silky gray leather cowl that is actually a magical flying version of a manta ray. Can't actually attack, but getting one of these things loosed at your head is a really good way of interrupting rival magic users while you blast them.
[11] Furry Longspider. It's a more "cute" and "approachable" type of arachnid with long fluffy legs and a small little fat body and a cute little set of horrifying eyes. It's body can fit in the palm of your hands but it's legs are about as long as your arm. It's venom causes paralysis on a bite or poisoned blade after 1d4 turns of application; evolved to bite itself to go to sleep after meals which is why its so limp and fine with being carried around on someone's neck.
[12] Flatbear. Exactly what it sounds like.