Thursday, February 25, 2021

Dimension of Distant Towers

All around you is sky. Beneath is clouds that get thicker, above is the open air. You can taste rain on the air, but it is not raining. It is gray and moody. You see no green or living things anywhere, only stone towers that have stood far before you were ever born. You are far from home.
This place, the Dimension of Distant Towers, may not actually be in another dimension. It may be a free-floating mass, an empty cityscape that travels with the clouds. The Nespa live in a realm of shadowy, comfortable twilight- that is within the clouds and skies of the night. Could it be so that these towers are within each and every raining cloud?

Regardless of where it truly is, the Dimension of Distant Towers is a cold, quiet place. It is filled with many mysteries, and its spires have stood without being mapped or conquered. Still, there are great rewards for those who have climbed to the top of its most distant towers.

The Fog
The Towers are seemingly erected in air. There is no ground beneath them. Some theorize those who fall fall for eternity, others think you will simply fall out of the bottom of a cloud (and then fall to earth, and then die). Still others think that there are merely more towers beneath, and more towers above, perhaps the towers are inverted at the base, or maybe they're just infinitely stacked on top of each other, like a city built on the ruins of another.

Always you can hear the trickling of water. Sometimes it is the pitter-patter of rain, other times it is more like a babbling brook or the roar of a river. They are far beneath you- this is thought to be the water held in the clouds before it is released to the land below. But many scholars believe the “Dimension” of the Distant Towers is separate, it is a plane or an otherspace. It has no physical or energetic connection with our reality except what we bring to it. While the purpose of the water is a mystery; it is common here. Despite the towers being structures of stone, they never seem to erode away with time, and even finding efflorescence from long evaporated water is a difficult challenge. It rains every day, multiple times, and the rain is always a gentle one. With a few buckets or pails out it is enough to get everything you need for drinking, cooking, and cleaning.

Besides the air and the water, the towers are the only solid ground. There is very little plants here; only a few terrace gardens which range from overrun and abandoned eons ago to dead to seemingly tended with love and care. This is the biggest hurdle to explorers in the towers; little to no access for plant life to forage or grow yourself. Hunting is an entire other matter.

Sadly, many people who have been trapped in the Dimension of Distant Towers for extended periods of time have gone mad. Many from starvation or the isolation, but some from the magic or even cruel ambiance of this place. They may babble about titans moving in the fog, as tall as the towers, with missing faces replaced with hands. Others report that the towers are like trees that grow, with legends of “lumberjacks” who may chop one down and cause it and everyone on it to fall to their death that could strike at any moment.

The Towers
Made of stone, the towers are the main feature of this odd dimension. Each tower varies in height, though all of them have many floors hidden underneath their turrets. Whenever one enters into this realm, they will appear within a runic circle painted into the floor in one of the great turret spires. From there, one can look out the windows and see distant towers in every direction, shrouded by mist and fog. Nobody knows how large this realm truly is, or if it has an end at all. It is for this view that the realm got its name. The towers themselves are of an architectural design that seems ageless; while the worn stones look old they are not all eroding or crumbling away. Their design is very well crafted, making up all use of space and the weight of the tower is supported well by its thick exterior walls- if the pressures of weight and the wind even work in this realm as they do back home.

(sidenote- No idea if it's better if all the towers have the same architectural style or different ones, I love the idea of going between gray European stone towers to Islamic minarets to Japanese style wood pagodas with paper walls, etc. But the oppressive and disorienting atmosphere of only having one tower style is nice too, makes it seem like a sort of ancient evil or the construction of something alien. You'll have to decide for yourself which one you like more.)

Within each tower are multiple floors. The floors go downwards from the turret, and descend from a spiral staircase around the edge of the tower's interior. Floors are circular and can sometimes contain multiple rooms, even having complex layouts themselves depending on the size of the tower. These floors are where the majority of the dangers lay- monsters, traps, and spells guard every place. This is also where great treasures have been found. Randomly scattered throughout the towers are doors and hallways that seemingly lead to nowhere; many doors directly lead to the outside of the tower, meaning carelessness means falling into the gray void. The turrets of towers seem to be the safer places- except for the various flying creatures which roost here. You will unfortunately not always enter a tower by its turret or spinneret.

From within one tower, there is no obvious way forward. With no bridges or ground between them, the towers seem eternally isolated. For many explorers, the journey ends here, but progression is possible. Within each tower will be a series of switches, rune stones that fit into mysterious wall sockets, or incantations written on scrolls which can be cast to create the bridges. Bridges between towers appear from any entrance to a tower and will then appear before your eyes, snapping together from the mist itself into shape. The bridge will curve around and lead to another tower. The pathways between the towers are set, they could be mapped, but they are invisible unless active and crumble quickly once you leave the pathway. There is also no guarantee where a bridge could take you- it could take you to the closest tower across from where you stand, or it could loop around the tower you are in to go another direction, or the bridge itself could travel straight into the fog, its destination so far away you can't even see the tower it belongs to before you start your journey. Strangely, these bridges have been enchanted to allow mostly safe passage between places- they will not fall apart while you are on them. Many explorers have set up camp multiple times along a bridge, but turning around isn't possible. Once the fog swallows up the back end of the bridge and you can't see the tower you came from, the bridge has crumbled up until that point and you must press onwards.

The Landless
These are the only race to inhabit this place. Living in scattered solitude, the Landless are gargoyles, or rather, they look like what gargoyles are carved to appear as in the real world. It seems the design of a gargoyle one may put on a cathedral was based on the Landless, or perhaps it was the other way around from some primordial dreaming. In the standard fantasy world, gargoyles are powerful creatures made of stone. Here, these gargoyles are made of flesh and blood. The Landless are travelers at heart and have the power of flight. Their bodies are medium to small in size, and are tough but not nearly as hard as stone. As creatures of the sky, they are resistant to lightning and take ½ damage from all lightning spells, attacks, and breath weapons.

The Landless have the power to fly, but with a caveat. Flying causes their wings to heat up incredibly quickly from the friction over their bumpy skin and too-small wings. Within the Realm of Distant Towers, this isn't a problem, as the air is always thick with mist and cool, and the sun is always hidden behind the clouds even on the brightest days. The Landless can fly and when they land, condensed water drips from their wings and steam rises from their backs after a long flight. If a Landless manages to emigrate to the mortal realm however, they will find flying during a hot day impossible, and difficult to fly without a thick fog to cool them down. Downgrade flight abilities to only being able to glide at night or a cloudy day without fog, or not being able to fly at all in direct sunlight. During a foggy day or night, they can fly freely, or in any place with enough moisture and coolness, such as a cave.

The Landless have their own culture. Mainly, they focus on minding their own business and introspection, which is probably why they can survive in such a strange and unfriendly place- and why that place is still so unknown. They live in tiny family bands that travel across very wide territories. Due to the scarcity of food as well as lack of socialization, almost any group of explorers here could be seen as a threat, or as prey to be hunted. The Landless' primary diet involves eating the fat tower spiders, fruit hanging from a rare terrace orchard, or plucking the pigeons out of the air since it's too hard to catch them on foot. Their level of technology is essentially savagery- using the iron tools or weapons found throughout the old tower tombs and vaults is easier then making their own, they have no writing or farming, and they don't wear clothes beyond rags. They also don't wear armor, since their skin is as tough as leather and anything heavier would just weigh them down. These primitive tribes tell stories and have long oral histories- their stories are filled with romantic tales of fallen Landless who spend years or decades flying back up to their homes to defeat a usurper, or tales of an eternal moon that will one day wrap the world in its blanket of sleep forever. Worryingly, many of the tales the Landless have for each other, their monsters and myths, mimic those stories of the insane castaways trapped in this dimension tell of their long isolation, giving credence to the unknown forces at work.

Also you can let your players play these if you want, but I don't really like PCs with flight. This is why they can only fly in fog, so it works in this Dimension really well but in the normal world it's just a useful power, not as game breaking.

Dangers & Monsters
Beyond the Landless, many dangers live in and about the towers, creating a challenge for adventurers and the natives alike. Firstly- any fall would be lethal of course. The towers are structurally sound, but old. Many weak balconies and open holes in the sides of some of the structures can lead straight out into the abyss below. The bridges between the towers are also solid, they are magically enchanted to grant safe passage, but their handrails and guards are not fullproof- it is easily possible for one to get thrown off in a melee. Many explorers also climb the outsides of the towers to reach locked rooms by going in through their windows and to get to higher floors otherwise unreachable, but the slick stone from the fog and general lack of handholds means that this too is very dangerous.

For more environmental threats, there is also the lack of food. Water is in abundance here, both the ambient fog which provides plenty of moisture and condensation (even a novice magician can condense drinking water from moisture in the air when it is this plentiful), but the numerous fountains, inner aqueducts, and various bathhouses and cisterns within each tower. But food is hard to come by. The rare living creatures in the tower are birds which are hard to catch and small, spiders which are even smaller and unappetizing, and the fruits and plants growing on the occasional tower side orchard. Taking any amount of food from this place is very likely to draw the ire of the Landless, even if you are otherwise on friendly terms with them.

Another is the weather. Usually, the air is with a chilly breeze- like a morning before the sun. The temperature here is cool but livable. Sometimes though, there is a cold snap. The temperature in a specific tower will drop rapidly- so much so that it will grow ice and the waters inside will freeze over. You can even see this from the other towers; one in the distance will randomly be white and frost covered, snow flakes dropping from its awnings. More often then not, this is the result of the Iceflies. Large beagle-sized insects that fly through the air with a heavy drone. These creatures bring ice and cold with them wherever they go; they travel in small swarms between towers from time to time, only moving in the darkest part of the night and then roosting within a tower. By the time the morning comes and the clouds of this place are lit up; your tower would become deathly cold without warning. Your potions may have been frozen solid, and some of your companions without proper sleeping equipment may have died or be seriously ill. With the lack of wood to burn for fuel except that which you brought, your only hope is to either conjure a bridge or seek the Iceflies somewhere in the tower and slay them.

On the outside of the towers and traveling between them- a few predators live. Besides the Landless, there are flying jaguars. Dark gray fur, huge claws and teeth and powerful bodies. These creatures have a skin membrane under their body to let them fly, much akin to a flying squirrel or bat. The small tower spiders are nothing compared to the huge ghost-strand spiders. They are nearly invisible, with bodies like glass, and they only string a single, unbreakable, inescapable strand of web between the towers. This magical strand of web can snap the spines of anything flying into it at full speed- and yet have the strength to hold the limp body in place for the spider to come and feed. Finally- there are the great black ouroboros- huge snakes which are too big to fit inside any of the towers. They wrap around each spire and bite their own tails, slowly rising through muscle contractions that can take years to reach the top; from a distance, they just appear as another landing. They don't seem to eat anything- as they must bite their own tail lest they fall from the tower. But those who try to use them as a circular platform around the tower be warned- the snakes can expand themselves just enough so your body slips between them and the tower, and then they will crush you against the stone harder then any mortal could withstand. No one can retrieve a body from one crushed by a black ouroboros like this- it is stuck until it falls free as the snake mysteriously ascends upwards.

Deeper within the towers is another threat- the long dead bones of ancient protectors, which rise again to guard the towers from intruders. They are known as the Tarsal Defenders. The bones of these beings are astonishingly similar to those of orcs and humans, but no living specimen has ever been seen or even depicted in those tombs that house them. They have broad, oval faces in their skulls, with spikes of bone which no doubt gave them a fearsome expression. Distinctly different from the Landless- no wings either, ruling out the most sensible options. They lay in silent tombs, many armed with gray-blue polearms of unusual shape, and a few also adorned in shiny armor of the same type. Their protective armor is as good as the finest from our realm, and seems to have the innate ability to defend against spells of ice and lightning. Nobody knows what these beings may have been- the original inhabitants of the towers? An alien race come to live here when leaving their home realm? A slave race created just to die and be animated in defense of a mad sorcerer's project? These undead beings have bones which are more similar to petrified wood and minerals formed into shape then the long dead bones of creatures; necromantic magic cannot raise them nor has any successful attempt to raise one from the dead to speak or study them ever worked either. Any bones from these beings taken from the Dimension of Distant Towers never stir again- except the tiniest, subtle vibrations whenever it rains outside.

The Treasures
The Realm of Distant Tower is home to many treasures. As mysterious and dangerous as the land is; it is still being explored for the chance to claim some of its riches.

Firstly, the creatures and dangers of the lands themselves are valuable. While the Landless produce nothing of value themselves- some evil empires have consorted to capture them and use them as slaves. Of course, the difficulty of both capturing and keeping flying slaves makes this little more then a dream. Less amoral explorers find that the creatures of the realm are bountiful as they are dangerous- the pelts of flying jaguars, the scales of the ouroboros, ghost-strand spider silk, the chitin plates of an icefly all have high values. Even the Tarsal Defenders are of value- not for their unusual bones which are prized only by scholars, but for their armor and weapons, which fit well enough into human or orcish hands and are very strong for how common they seem to be.

Secondly, the treasure troves. In terms of raw wealth, the Dimension of Distant Towers is also bountiful. Deep within the towers, especially those infested with the Tarsal Defenders or filled to the brim with deadly mechanical and magical traps, are hoards of wealth. There is no gold native to this dimension, strangely enough, it seems their choice for wealth was silver. This rare type of silver is stunningly pure and beautiful, seemingly immune to being tarnished and is both lightweight and highly prized for artisans. Some towers have hoards of the stuff in every shape and form- brilliant chalices for unseen lips, metal mirrors, bracelets and trinkets of unparalleled shine. These treasure hoards have been seemingly left here for eons, untouched and waiting to be claimed- if only one can endure the hardships to find them and take them back.

Finally, there is magic. The Dimension of Distant Towers is an alien realm to our own, misty and peerless. Within it is the unreality of its fog and geometry- it is no wonder the place practically sings with the arcane and unknowable. The first time a magician steps through the portal, they may brush their hand across the stonework in awe at how it all feels- though with time they will acclimate to it, perhaps even finding the real world dull in comparison. This magical aura over the whole realm, plus the treasures left behind by the ancients, means that this place is teeming with magical artifacts and treasures beyond your wildest dreams.

20 Distant Towers Treasures – Roll 1d20 for what you find inside a Tower

[2] Pale Pink Juice. In the Dimension of Distant Towers, seeing anything with warm colors like red or yellow is so rare it really stands out, even if it is really a very pale pink. The Pale Pink juice is kept in a glass-and-silver pitcher, the contents of which are always cool. The Juice itself is a magic fluid and can sustain a person for a full day for both their food and water for a fully day, as well as delay any diseases or conditions they have for that day as well, but they will return once the medicinal effects have worn off. The pitcher contains 8 cups.

[3] Silvered Spectacles. Pair of fine spectacles with silver rims, bridge, and temple. The silvered body is very thin and nearly weightless, once you place it on it grants vision so clear that almost all forms of blindness are cured for as long as it is worn. Additionally, the spectacles can see shapes in fog extending outwards from where you could see the outline of a person, place, or thing without the fog, but this shape lacks detail and only grants vague information. In the Dimension of Distant Towers you can locate towers for miles around as featureless black pillars.

[4] Scale Ear. Looks like a metal dragon scale made of many layers of absolutely wafer thin silver metal. It has a band that fits around the head; acts as a prosthetic ear to those who are deaf; they can 'hear' the scales tiny vibrations and muffled clinks of the silver against each other. If someone with healthy ears wears it, they get +1 to initiative or to avoid being surprised but only from enemies approaching from that direction.

[5] Apex Redeemer. It is a small silver pyramid, flaked with snow white dust. Anyone who opens it can confess a sin, a broken promise, or a curse they are suffering from and it will be swallowed by the pyramid. The pyramid will then tarnish and turn dark, and the person will be free from the guilt. If the pyramid is opened, the curse or guilt will move to whoever opened the pyramid.

[6] Baby Square. Silver metal square frame. It is only a few square pipes of metal, the center is open to the air. Very lightweight, all sides are a cubit in length and the corners are dented. If this square is placed on the ground or thrown over a baby or child, they cannot leave the square. This ability only works on creatures small enough whose normal stance fits in the square and who are mentally similar to children. It works on human children, fairies and brownies, goblins, halflings, etc.

[7] Rod of Death & Fog. It's a magic rod, made of a greenish-blue metal this time; immune to most earthly forms of corrosion. If bent out of shape, it will reform when next exposed to moonlight. Deals 1d8 magical blast damage and once per day can cast the spell Fog, or suck up fog in the air equal to the duration or volume to the spell.

[8] Bridge Stick. This looks like a dowel of sanded wood, a rarity in the Towers. If you point this at a tower you can see in the Dimension of Distant Towers, a hastily made bridge will appear of wood. This bridge lacks guardrails and will begin to fall apart from the area it was created all the way to its destination after 1 turn. If you're still on the bridge, it falls apart at a brisk walking speed. The rod is consumed upon use. You find 1d3 dowels at once whenever you roll this result.

[9] Flash Photograph. Long metal bar filled with some strange white powder. If you hold it up and expose the small hole on one end to an open flame, or pierce with with a flaming bit of rope- the entire bar flashes brightly a piece of parchment will come up out of the bar. This parchment will have taken a photograph of whatever the length of the bar was facing. It's a medieval version of a Polaroid, but it is in black and white and grainy. Still, better then any other recording items in a generic fantasy world, so it's a magical artifact now.

[10] Octopus Shield. This shield is made of a dark gray wood with a silver “octopus” on the face. The octopus is three dimensional- jutting out from the shield with its eight long tendrils symmetrically going outwards from the center to grip the edge of the shield. It is called an octopus though resembles no earthly creature- it has no eyes carved on it and is subtly different, and may instead be an extinct or very rare creature from this realm. This is a magic shield that grants +2 AC and reflects the first Death or Disintegration spell cast on the user back to the caster, once per day. The octopus tarnishes after it has blocked the first spell, and returns its shine when it recharges.

[11] Rammer. It's a small wooden baton, made of dark gray wood. Its head has the horns and head of an unknown animal- the head feels incredibly dense. If you slam this into an something, it deals 1d8+1 damage as though you just smashed it with a sledge hammer or battering ram. Rammer can be held and used in a grapple due to its small size. It never runs out of charge but if you drop it on your foot it'll break bones.

[12] Foamer. Silver canister that, if pressed at one end, fires white foam out the other end. You can use it on yourself or on another thing in melee. At range- It is hard to aim or use as is, disadvantage on ranged attacks, but if a simple device is made during downtime it can be shaped as a crossbow and have no disadvantage. The foam from this canister seals up wounds at a range, healing 1d6 points of damage, but also slows the target the more foam is put on them. One shot = half movement speed or count encumbrance as encumbered. After two shots = move at a crawl or as heavily encumbered. Three shots = immobile. The foam bubbles away after one hour OR after one turn if washed off with water or during the rain.

[13] Silver Mushroom. Looks like a mushroom, or dick I guess, with a thick head, made of the silvered metal. It is a mechanical puzzle that is Bewilderingly difficult to solve (12), requires screwing the head, stem, and levers on the side in a specific speed and order in order to open it up. Inside the mushroom is 2d4 Instant Death Tablets. They are bright blue poison tablets that kill instantly when consumed. One to kill a man, two to kill an ogre, three for a dragon, four for anything bigger. It takes a number of seconds equal to the number of pills swallowed to kill whatever ate them.

[14] Spellsling Staff. This long silver staff has a larger chamber near the top, which can be opened up. Within the chamber you can put something that glows bright to use the staff as an impromptu torch OR you can prepare a spell and drain the energies into the staff's chamber. Then, you can sling the staff to cast the spell instantly, no need for incarnations. This means instead of resolving a spell at the end of the combat round or at the start of the next round; the spell activates at the moment of the MU's action that combat round. The staff can only hold one spell at a time and has a 1 in 6 chance to break if holding a spell of any greater power then 5th level or higher.

[15] Mysterious Iron Ship. This small ship looks big enough for a rat to pilot, not a man. It's clearly a toy, but if dropped will always fall to the ground gently. The ship doesn't float in water, and yet seems strangely buoyant. The ship is, of course, a magical airship- just incredibly small in size. If one could enlarge it with a proper spell or perhaps shrink down, you could use this to explore the Dimension of Distant Towers freely- or even sail the spaces between stars.

[16] Altimeter. Silver tube with an unusual rotating display. The display features characters that you can't read, it's in some ancient and alien script, but with a few months or translation you can figure out that it shows the exact height of your location. Strangely, “zero” is not at sea level, it seems to be somewhere far deeper, down below. This is totally a magic item in a medieval fantasy setting.

[17] Silver Scab. This doughy ball of white-silver metal is unlike any other in this dimension. It is partially fluid like dough, especially if warmed up in the hands. By spreading it over a body wound, the silver orb sinks into the cracks and cuts of the victim and fills them, before melding with the flesh and becoming a silvery scab. This scab heals 2d6 hit points of damage to the target's body. After 1d4 weeks, the scab can be peeled off to reveal a silver flake worth 350c in currency. The flake is pure silver but is no longer malleable and you probably shouldn't tell anyone you peeled it off your axe wound.

[18] Helmet of Death-Many. It's a metal helmet with a crescent-moon shaped black blade, going vertically along the head of the wearer. When you wear this helmet, you must overcome its insidious control; roll a saving throw to avoid being controlled. If you succeed the roll, the player-character and player are not aware this helmet is cursed at all- it is a hidden roll. If you fail the roll, the dungeon master will temporarily take control of the player character who will attempt to kill anyone else in the room until the helmet is pulled off their head or they are knocked out or killed. The helmet itself grants +2 AC and counts as a +2 Magic Helmet. It also grants whoever wears it a bonus of +1 damage on all attacks for every “person” they've killed in the past 24 hours, up to a maximum of +10. This doesn't work on animals, undead, constructs, or anything without an intelligent, emotional soul, hence it has to be a “person”.

[19] Powdered Magic. It's a fine powder that comes in different colors- blue, green, cyan, purple, and very rarely magenta. If a handful is thrown at the ground creates sparks and streams and smokes of its color- a Rogue could use this to get in an extra sneak attack or escape a combat but it only works once. However anyone of magical learning will see it is an incredible find- powdered magic! This rare resource can be used to empower spells and fuse broken magic items back together, as well as mixed with water and honey or other reagents to create magical ink. Whenever you find this in the Towers, you'll probably find it in a silent, undisturbed silver dish open to the air. Each time you roll this result you find 3d8 handfuls of the stuff.

[20] Tarsal Defender Armory. Silent armory, untouched for uncountable eons. Not a speck of dust mars these shining weapons. There's enough sets of armor and weaponry to outfit a whole company of men in the magical equipment. Armor is somewhat adjustable- fits most humans and orcs and a few large bodied elves- dwarves or anything smaller would need to modify the armor. Armor as magical plate that grants a bonus against cold and lighting spells. Weapons act as +1 magic weapons, and are also immune to being frozen in place or magnetically pulled.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Obligatory Sell Out "give me money" post (Not Patreon)

So there comes a time in any young(?) creative type's life where they consider when and how they are going to monetize their hobby. I've actually thought about the subject a lot in the past few weeks and after all considerations, I've decided on opening up tabletop game material commissions. Tables, Generators, encounter tables, whatever else. I actually have a lot to say on the topic, but let's keep this intro brief.

Before going to the attached site below; I want to make it perfectly clear that to anyone out there potentially interested; this blog and everything I make is a hobby. I am not in any kind of dire financial straits and the Covid-19 Pandemic has not negatively effected me in any significant way, as it has for many of you. I want to make it very clear that this is 100% a luxury product, that should be taken only for fun or as a kind gesture, I do not need nor would ever ask for your money in any capacity. With that said...

Check out my Fiverr and commission me sometime!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

10 Flying Swords

Ever since I wrote up the Flying Sword write in the Brigand Woods Encounters, I've loved them. They're a really fun magic item. But the rules need a bit of a touch up.

Flying Sword - +2 Magic Sword
Ego- 7
Stats- Deals 1d8+2 damage, Flight

This is a powerful magic sword. The “Flying Swords” are animated by their own magical force. Beyond being able to use it in your hand, you can also direct the sword with your hand and arm movements. It requires an arm to use, but can be used up to the range of a spear or whip- the sword flies from your hand and attacks a foe at a distance. It uses your to-hit and damage bonus from your character, as you are commanding the sword.

Flying Swords have a powerful ego- only strong warriors can command them. If you are a Fighter of least 7
th level, you can conquer the sword and use it. Otherwise, all attempts to claim the sword will result it animating and attacking you.

If you are level 10 and have a secret technique or +2 Dexterity- you can stand on the flat of the blade and literally fly around on this sword as a vehicle. Or maybe just grip the handle and let the sword pull you around, but that might be a little silly.

10 Flying Swords Table
All of these swords use the above stats. Roll on this table to see exactly what kind of sword you find whenever you run into a Flying Sword.

[1] Purple Tiger
This flying sword has an intentional gap in the blade that can be used as a handle, with purple fabric making it safe to grab. This extra handle means even novices can hang on to it, or use it like a helicopter as it spins up into the air. The handle is made of wood and it has a long, flowing ribbon which curls like a cat's tail in the heat of combat.

[2] Red Blaze
This flying sword is made with a copper alloy, giving it resistance to corrosion and makes it gleam like the setting sun. It's incredibly aggressive- even moreso then normal for a flying sword. While it still obeys its master, it seems like it wants to fight and kill more then even its user intends to. If the warrior loses control of this weapon, it could go on a rampage.

[3] Wise Dragon
This sword has a handle of green leather- made from a wise old green dragon. Water running off this blade sounds like a windchime, it is a beautiful noise and makes this weapon perfect for the warrior mystic- it aides itself to meditation. It is just at home on the back of a hermit as it is in the collection of a wise king. In fact, it would prefer the former.

[4] Ancient's Shortsword
This sword is seemingly made of bronze. Shorter then other flying swords, it has a simple, squat design that makes it more fitting to the ancient world of antiquity. The flat of the blade is painted black with a scene like an a Grecian urn. This sword is also a bit sexist, and much “prefers” to be used by sweaty, oily, bronze-skinned men over women or pretty boy elves.

[5] Cactus Drake
This unusual sword has spikes on the guard, pointing up, and the entire blade and crossguard has been painted green. This sword could be used a bit like a rudimentary swordbreaker, but these spikes seem more for intimidation then anything else. The green paint is flaking away, an unusual geometric pattern is slowly being revealed underneath it. The original sword was something far more mysterious then this green “cactus” sword- was it painted to hide it away?

[6] Tsunami
This sword is famous. It is a shiny blade, with the end curled like a wave, giving the whole blade a sort of ocean and water theme. It is still just as powerful as any flying sword, though obviously it's not quite as good at stabbing. It's just as good flying through the water as the air, though if a person tries to ride it they'll cause a lot of drag. The handle is wrapped in jellyfish leather.

[7] Crossblade
This sword is a straight sword- unusual for the flying swords, who are usually more depicted in the Eastern style. This sword is instead purely crossed shape with right angles, a tapered point, and may well be decorated with European runes. It probably belonged to a high level crusader.

[8] Infernal Dao
This sword is edged along the lower blade, crossguard, and upper handle with decorated material that looks like flesh and stone. There is a single large demonic eye along the cross guard that stares out at all would-be challengers to the holder of this sword. It is quite an intimidating weapon, but lacks any magical effect to scare away weak willed opponents. The rest of the blade is made of a dark steel and the handle itself is bare and unremarkable.

[9] Lightning Raven
This sword is marked with a painted lightning bolt, traveling from the base of the blade in the hilt up to about two thirds the way up the blade's face. The point is bent at a 90 degree angle with the top of the blade itself being flat (like those orc swords from the Lord of the Rings movies) so it gives the sword a brutal look, despite its elegant avian name.

[10] Hole Jian
This sword has four holes, shrinking in size as they travel up the length of the blade. It has been created with magical methods and is supremely strong and durable despite its apparent physical weakness. Even for a flying sword, this Jian is almost weightless and can be balanced on its point to stand straight up or gently placed atop the surface of water without falling in and sinking.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Gargriffs + Gargriff Masks

Gargriff (5 HD, +7 AC, two stone talon attacks at 1d8+1, water spout attack at 1d2 knock back on hit, swimming, protection of water lichen, fountainborn and surprises on 4 in 6)
Morale- 12 in fountain, 7 everywhere else
Numbers- 1 or 1d6

The Gargriff is a powerful monster that resides inside of ancient fountains, city plazas, old palace gardens and abandoned aqueducts. They tend to have the bodies of demons, dragons, leviathans, fish-men, crocodiles or gryphons but they always have the faces of lions and wings. They cannot fly, but can 'glide' through water faster then a fish can swim, making them incredibly dangerous in larger arenas. In small fountains, the Gargriff can only make minor use of this ability. If they have access to open water, consider them able to retreat or engage instantly- they dive under the water after each attack and can only be hit with a natural attack roll of 20 (before modifiers) unless you have a method of isolating them. They are not especially intelligent but know how to grab and drown tough targets. The Gargriffs are also made of stone, and are as such incredibly tough and dangerous.

When the Gargriff leaves water, its mouth spurts water in a constant, slow and steady stream. This water is coming from a reserve inside of its body, but it can suck up water through any part of it, which is filtered through the stone and spit back out. For this reason, Gargriff water is known to be especially pure and makes the perfect supply of fresh water in a dry dead city. This spurt can also be turned into an attack; any round the Gargriff may fire its water spurt with incredible intensity which deals 1d2 damage on knocks the foe back on a hit. Usually, they'll use this to splash people into water or off high ledges to maximize effectiveness. Each Gargriff can only use this ability twice until needing to rest with at least some of its body in a pool of water, preferably a fountain.

Gargriffs organize themselves by age. The older Gargriffs are the ones with the most limescale and lichen growing on their bodies; these Gargriffs are considered in charge and get the more 'comfortable' places on the fountain- usually the most damp place to acquire yet more water damage and staining. Additionally, this water lichen acts as a barrier which protects the Gargriff against one ice or fire spell, after which the lichen will be destroyed and protection nullified. There is a 1 in 6 chance for any Gargriff to be an “elder” with this level of buildup.

Finally, the Gargriffs are born of fountains and constructed pools, and that is where they are drawn. Even though they would be more effective in larger lakes or even the ocean, the Gargriffs can't stop themselves from roosting at old crumbling fountains. Because of how well they blend in, sitting in the centers of these fountains and spitting water all around them- they have a 4 in 6 chance to surprise a party who approaches to investigate or to take a rest.

Gargriff Masks
When a Gargriff dies, the face it was making upon its death is frozen onto its face (usually a snarl or a pathetic pained groan). The creature is made of stone, but somehow “solidifies” from animated stone after it is dead- meaning that its body becomes much more brittle and even harder to work with. For this reason, Gargriff Masks can only be made in special situations; usually when a Gargriff is beheaded with a +3 magic sword or its entire body except its head is shattered somehow. It may also be possible to use iron stakes, hammers, and chisels to slowly free the head from the carcass of a dead Gargriff but this will take a full 6 hours of labor to accomplish for a group of average humans.

The Gargriff Mask is a magic item. It is as heavy as it looks and is nearly impossible except very large and strong beings (ogres or humans with +3 Strength modifier or better) to be able to wear in any comfort. The masks cover the entire face and as such you can't wear a helmet while using it, unless one is specially constructed around the Mask. They are a highly prized magic item and even the most careful of adventurers may be tempted to fight a pack of these fearsome monsters just for the chance to get a hold of one of these.

Gargriff Mask - +1 Magic Mask
Stats- Provides +4 AC, Water Breathing, Sink in Water

The Gargriff Mask is incredibly heavy and strong. It counts as an encumbering item, as such wearing this mask counts as though you are wearing the heaviest plate armor or are overburdened with load simply due to its size and weight. The mask is also made of stone; as such it grants +4 AC, but for the purposes of magic item destructive spells or abilities only consider it a +1 magic item, as its magical power is only inherited from the creature postmortem.

Despite the Gargriff' Mask being made of solid stone with no holes, putting this on your head as a mask magically makes you able to see from its eyes, speak through its mouth, and breathe through the stone mask itself. The Gargriff mask never moves or changes expression, but your voice can be clearly heard through the rumbling mouth. It is possible to breathe through the Gargriff mask, but it can be straining since you are breathing air through its porous surface- treat your Constitution modifier as -1 for things like cross country running, sprinting in a chase, or fighting in prolonged battles as long as you have the mask on. You can recover your breath by stopping and lifting the mask one combat round, but doing so will leave you vulnerable for attack.

Due to its materials, anyone wearing this mask will sink in water. This effect is incredibly frightening the first time it happens, but this is where the true power of the mask kicks in. The hard to breath material stone can filter not just air, but also water. As you breathe in underwater, your lungs will be filled with air. This mask allows you to breathe underwater, but you are still subject to the Constitution penalty for strenuous activity. Essentially- you can breathe underwater but its similar to having asthma or a low constitution.

Groups of Gargriff Mask wearers have been known to invade underwater fortresses without warning, or act as scouts and trackers for pirate hunters- scaling the ocean floor or the lake bottom for treasures or enemies to fight beneath the murky waters no Gargriff would ever dare swim.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

What's happening in the Town Square d6 Generator

Art @Hashika

How do you hear about it?
[1] Local boy runs up to you, tells you the news, demands you pay him two coppers for info.
[2] Group of rambunctious youths are gathering all their friends together.
[3] The crowd is so loud you can hear it from a street and a half over.
[4] Town guard telling people to stay back- they don't want to make it even more chaotic.
[5] Local wizard has ensorcelled several parrots made of paper to life. They squawk the news.
[6] Stray dogs run from the butcher's stalls with bones in their mouth. Nobody is chasing them- that's odd. Better go see what that's about.

What's the atmosphere of the crowd surrounding it?
[1] Concerned, whispering. What will the neighboring town think?
[2] Violent, bloodthirsty. Angry mob may be forming- they throw stones.
[3] Depressed, almost sad. How could this happen here? The elders shake their heads.
[4] Jovial, festival like. People are trying to sell snacks and crates to stand on for a better view.
[5] Angry, accusing. They're piling up the shame on people; somebody is going to get exiled.
[6] Casual, giggly enjoyment. People are laughing- this is hilarious. Like gossiping schoolgirls. If you see someone prim and proper joining in, they'll be embarrassed afterwards.

Who or What is the primary target of all this hubbub?
[1] Some weird, smoking rock that fell from space
[2] It's a goblin or little orc boy- he was found hiding under a fruit cart. Verge of tears.
[3] It's a parchment nailed to a wall. On it are outrageous laws and their exorbitant fines.
[4] Fat little merchant is panicking- he dropped a padded case which contained the King's sword. Now it has a tiny nick in the blade and he's desperately trying to find the little piece in the gutters.
[5] Young girl pulled the magic wand out from a magician's sleeve- they're supposed to use slight of hand, not actual magic! That's cheating! He's desperately trying to persuade her to return it.
[6] Snooty shrew of a woman is throwing down her lover's pearl necklace and crushing them under her heels- while he is right there trying to get her to stop and keep her voice down.

What big official has to come and stick their nose in it?
[1] It's the Prince! He's observing silently, rubbing his peach fuzz in thought.
[2] Richest local merchant, tries very hard to act like he's one of the “common people”.
[3] Leader of the Mage's Hall. Offers to amend situation with magic, WILL fuck it up.
[4] Wise man or respected elder. They say something vague and mildly prophetic.
[5] Captain of the Guard. Screeches about violations. No loitering! No crowding! No gossiping! No having this-much-fun without a license!
[6] Priest from the local temple. Swings around a holy symbol accusing everyone of sinning, even if he was caught up with the crowd of a moment ago.

(Optional) How does the party get roped into this?
[1] Hey you're a bunch of adventurers right? Go “adventure” this problem away.
[2] Whatever is going on is somehow involved in your main quest.
[3] The big official has it out for you. He instantly accuses you all of involvement.
[4] Superstitious townsfolk blame outsiders like you for the trouble.
[5] The target is somehow related to the past or recent events of one of the characters.
[6] Some very contrived reason- your birthmark happens to match the cobblestones right under the feet of this event. Everyone shrieks about faith for a second as you roll your eyes.

Friday, February 19, 2021

[Class] Knif Monke

Knif Monke
- d3
Max AC- 14 / Minimum Hit-Points- 2

You are monke. Eat fruit and bug. Some monke climb, some monke strong, you throw knif. Human make knif but you throw knif, don't know why, you just good at throw knif. You also climb and sneak like all monke can. No wear clothes or hard clothes like humans have. Just run and throw knif.

You get +1 to throw knif each monke. Start at monke 1 and get points to become monke 2.

At 3rd monke you throw stick and poop instead of knif, hehe, teach human to give fruit or else you throw at them, hehehe, stupid human. Human give you fruit.

At 4th monke you can open lock-hole that human put around neck. You no like work for humans, no work for humans anymore. Just throw knif and eat fruit.

At 5th monke you throw two knif at one time. At 6th monke throw three knif.

At 8th monke you can climb while holding knif in your teeth and tail. Maybe human make knif bag for you? You throw knif whatever they point, they give fruit, ok?

At 10th monke you become either very fat, happy monke (You no throw knif, but that okay, you have all the fruit you want) OR you become mean monke and learn how to throw knif at other monke. You a bad monke but now you teach other monke to throw knif too. Then you in charge of stupid human and make them give all fruit to you. Hehe, stupid human.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

4 "Color Spray" Spell Variations

Duller Spray
Creates a spray of dull gray light. This very-boring spell doesn't do anything to most creatures, except creatures who live off whimsy, excitement, or are aligned with the faerie like elves, pixies, and the like. This spell saps these creatures of their natural magical beauty and steals it away.

Each creature within the cone is affected according to its Hit Dice.

2 HD or less
Damage of 1d4 points to Charisma score OR to all saving throws vs magic until the next full moon. Creature also loses one natural magical/supernatural ability such as speaking with animals, immunity to charm, immunity to ghoul paralysis, true sight, glamors, etc. The caster of the spell decides which ability is lost. This ability also comes back at the next full moon.

3 or 4 HD
Creature saves or loses one random natural ability such as speaking with animals, immunity to charm, immunity to ghoul paralysis, true sight,  glamors, etc. This ability comes back at the next full moon.

5 or more HD
Creature saves or loses one random natural ability until the next dawn or dusk.

[2] Color Flay
This spell is cast on a living creature, either just before or during a very painful or potentially lethal injury. If a creature is struck with a physical attack by a sword, axe, claw, etc. that would be lethal, this spell suspends death. The creature's flesh is still torn apart and could appear ripped off, dangling by a thread, but their flesh and blood is replaced with a psychedelic rainbow pattern that bleeds out little puffs of light.

As long as Color Flay is in effect, the creature feels little pain and can live at negative HP values. The negative value they can survive is equal to the caster's positive level times three. So a 6th level MU can keep someone alive up to -18 HP. (If your game already has death at something "lower" then 0 HD, consider adding this to the lowest possible value you can go instead).

[3] Mother Spray
Fires off a pink and white beam smelling of lavender. It's a very calming spell, which has the effect to clean, pamper, pretty-up, and generally place an aura of calmness on the area of the spellcasting. Any fussy babies or children in the area are quieted down, and any food in the area is nicely cut, seasoned, and prepared. Also performs minor forms of housework like making the bed or cleaning a mess.

[4] Color Day
This spell involves a powerful ritual involving ribbons, an uninterrupted ritual in a town square at night, and painting your body with paints. The next day, the town or district of the city you were sleeping in wakes up to find everyone around painted with various colors! Everybody has colorful painted skin and clothes matching a specific color-set that aligns them with others in the city.

When this spell is cast, the caster must specify what groups are being created. The people of the city appear in the colors of the group that they themselves identify with. You could split a city down political or religious lines, and nobody has a way of hiding it because of the colors that they cannot change.

This spell ends the next day. Anyone can also magically end the effect on themselves by drinking a thimble of lye or paint-thinner stuff, which deals 1d6 damage to their insides but magically turns their colors back to normal.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Stone-Box Temple

In the olden days, mysteries existed in every nook and cranny. One day, a hungry family put their last last loaf of bread in a basket and covered it with a wicker lid and a basket to keep it out of the prying eyes of the many hungry children. The next day, they opened the basket and the loaf was gone. Only a fat rat remained. The basket was closed- how did the rat get inside?

This tale inspired an entire order of monks. The holy men talked at length about the truth of the universe- and how that when any basket is closed, anything could be inside. They knew, of course, that the rat had simply bite a hole in the basket while the family slept- this story is not a literal tale. But the idea had weight. This order of monks began to meditate upon the truth; and that every stone unturned and every basket closed and hidden could hold anything- including the truth. They began to build containers in their order halls- covered pits and stone caskets that they filled with random items, water, or nothing at all. To simply guess and consider what was inside was a path towards enlightenment.

The order grew. Eventually, they built the greatest temple of the ancient world- The Stone-Box Temple. It is built into a burial mound, appearing as a mighty hill from all directions, much like it itself was a great box waiting to be opened. The inside of the Temple embody the orders ideas; stairways that lead down into mysterious darkness, doors which do not open, built flush into walls. The architects of the place had themselves buried alive, so the mysteries would be lost and as mysterious as an unopened box. You know what else is in the Temple? Boxes. Way too many fucking boxes- everywhere. The place is filled with the brim with stone cubes- hollow and with heavy lids. Some rooms are so thickly packed with them you have to walk across the lids. These monks literally believed that any box can contain the Truth- and so every single box is worth the floor space in their temple. They are all holy.

Each box in the temple requires either two men to open, or a prybar and a strong arm (+1 strength man). You can only open a maximum number of boxes each exploration turn equal to the number of boxes your party can open as above times three. So for every two men, or every +1 Strength man with a prybar, you can open three boxes per turn. Each Box is about the size of a treasure chest, Big Boxes are the size of coffins and much heavier- they take twice the effort to open.

Stone-Box Temple Room Generator
Roll once for each category to generate a room in the Stone-Box Temple.

Room Shape & Size – 1d8
[1] Basically a closet. Shelves may be carved into the wall to store a few boxes.
[2] Standard square dungeon room. Boxes are stacked along edges with no entrances.
[3] Staircase. Boxes of various sizes on all the steps. Save or fall if you move here without light.
[4] Longroom- more like a hallway, may bend at a 90 degree angle once. Boxes are shelved or spread along the floor making it hard to walk.
[5] Cubed room- same exact height to width to length. Kind of weird being inside it- like you're inside a big box. Either has a bunch of boxes all around or one big one in the middle.
[6] Temple Room. Large room with a high curved ceiling- probably near the top of the Temple's mound. Has several raised podiums you can pass under with boxes stacked on them.
[7] Tall Room. Several unreachable steps of stone, or huge "shelves" carved into the rock. May make up the central shaft of the temple. These huge shelves contain the boxes.
[8] Sprawl Room. The biggest room. Seems to be carved partially into natural chambers- only found deeper in the temple. Weird organic curves & dips in the floor = more places to put fucking boxes.

Number of Boxes – 1d8
[1] Just 1d3 Boxes.
[2] About 1d6 Boxes.
[3] Modest 3d6 Boxes.
[4] Crowded 4d8 Boxes. If the room is a Cubed Room- change to Big Box.
[5] Either 2d10 Boxes or 1 Big Box
[6] Lottery of Boxes- 1d100 Boxes OR 2 Big Boxes
[7] 4d50 Regular Boxes or 2d6 Big Boxes. This room could be a tomb.
[8] No Boxes- this room was storage. For things other then Boxes. Boxes are the main attraction, obviously, they don't go in store rooms.

Trap – 1d8
[1] About 20% of the boxes have a spike trap; save or take 1d6 damage.
[2] About 50% of the boxes have a 2 HD zombie inside. The zombie will roar and all the other zombies in the boxes will start to shuffle out; 2d6 per round until the number of boxes
[3] All of the boxes have miasmic gas- toxic ancient fumes from decaying food. You can safely open them with a piece of cloth over your face; else you take 1d4 if you're around it when it opens.
[4] One box has corrosive gas in it. Save to run out of the room in time, else take 2d6 damage and lose your armor. People opening the box get no save.
[5] One Box is a pressure plate. If you put anything heavier then a slice of bread on this box (like your hands), it sinks into the floor and the doors close for 1d4 turns. Every wandering encounter you roll in this time all attack you at once when it ends- this trap set off an alarm.
[6] Two Boxes are teleporters. The first box is a teleporter that seems to lead to another room with no exit- but in reality it is the blown up image of the inside of another box. Going in through this box means you are now tiny in the other box; remove curse or Potion of Giant Strength to cure it.
[7] No trap. The Boxes are safe here. The next room you explore is safe too.
[8] The walls are carved with box-symbols all over it, reliefs of squares carved in ancient, dedicated but unrefined hands. These boxes are punch-pillars, shooting out of the walls to give people a square wallop that pass. They can be rearmed simply by pushing them back in. Anyone who tries to rest here leans on the wall (or tries to do that tracing the outer wall thing for a maze) and gets punched.

Stone-Box Monsters
The Stone-Box Temple is a silent, sacred, abandoned place. This means that inevitable it will be filled with dangerous, powerful monsters who stalk the halls. Roll 1d6 for wandering encounters.

[1] Contorted Bones (2-1 HD, +3 to hit, +1 AC, Crooked Claw attack at 1d3, immune to slashing, undead, contortion)
Morale- N/A
Numbers- 1d6 in Box Trap, 2d6+2 Wandering

Contorted bones are the remains of ancient box-temple priests, who bound themselves for long durations or until they died within the stone boxes- not all of them died willingly in the stone cubes. Their bones are twisted and contorted over the many years; they are much shorter then they were in life and their arms hook around your shield or right outside your vision- they move and act erratically, making them difficult to track to defend against, hence they have a high to-hit bonus.

These are skeletons. They are lesser undead, and never rout from combat, but can be turned and are immune to all things undead are immune to. They are also immune to arrows and sharp weapons- swords and spears do a maximum of 1d3 damage to them as improvised weapons. Blunt weapons deal their full damage.

Additionally; these skeletons have an innate urge to hide away in stone boxes. If you escape from a combat with the skeletons nearby open stone boxes, they will close them back up again and hide inside. The box-traps in the dungeon can contain them at a smaller number then the wandering parties. While these skeletons can be within the box-traps, most of those contain well preserved zombie corpses; the skeletons were the corpses who got up and rotted away while wandering the halls.

[2] Ball Men (3 HD, +2 AC, Flail attack 1d6+2, fluid form, quick reconstitution)
Morale- 12
Numbers- 3d6+6

Appearing roughly as humanoids; they come from another dimension with no right angles or corners. Their bodies are made up of many small squishy blob balls, which if separated on taking a hit scatter around the room and turn into tiny smooth orbs of flesh that roll and bounce. The Ball Men are essentially religious extremists from that realm offended by the box temple; this is a jihad to destroy it. They don't really hate your dimension or anything, but this one place has got to go.

If anyone in your party is significantly overweight, get +2 to reaction checks for trying your best to be more like a sphere.

These beings are made of many small orbs and therefore move more like a fluid. They can squeeze through bars and holes big enough to put your hand inside. Their bodies are also made up of tiny balls. If they are hurt, they can gather these balls back up inside themselves to heal up to 1d3 damage they've taken. Inevitably some of the balls get lost under furniture, roll down hills, or get stuck in corners so its not perfect. If a Ball Man dies, all their balls turn gray and turn into glossy marbles permanently.

[3] Mighty Mason (18 Hit Points, +4 AC, +2 to hit, Sledgehammer attack at 1d10, mighty, slow, weak to fire, immune to stun)
Morale- N/A
Numbers- Just one

The Mighty Mason is an artificial creature. They were forced formed into being when the temple mound was being first built, and were created to help with the stone work day and night, as well as to hammer away stone for the creation of the stone boxes that crowd the temple. Then, once the temple was created, they still remained, and became its protectors.

They look roughly humanoid, made of a winding white and blue fabric, with a large red mask made of some unknown metal. The mask looks a bit like an opening flower with no visible facial features. They were masonry tools on their belt that are rusted to uselessness. The only part of their equipment that remains true is their sledgehammer, made of wood with a powerful metal head; the sledgehammer has symbols of longevity and immunity to aging burned within the handle.

Because the Mighty Mason is an artifical creature made with exacting ritual instructions; they are all identical. They all have exactly eighteen (18) hit points. If they are damaged at the start of each round, their fabric furls and they regain all of their lost hit points. Every round when they regain hit points this way, they increase the damage of their attack by +1 as their might grows exponentially. If you disengage from them, they will return to normal strength after one turn. The mighty mason's inexhaustible supply of stamina and strength also means they are immune to being stunned.

Because of their ability to heal themselves, only an adventuring party with at least three standard weapons (d6) rolling perfectly could destroy it. If the maximum potential damage of the party is less then 18, they'll feel the situation is hopeless and be made to run. Thankfully, the Mighty Mason is very slow as it heaves its sledgehammer around, meaning you can escape from it with a brisk walk- there is no contest to escape combat.

Finally; as both an ancient construct of magic and being mostly made of self-repairing fabric, they are weak to fire. All fire spells and attacks deal double damage against the Mighty Mason.

[4] Spear Priestess (4+2 HD, +2 to hit, +2 AC, Spears at 1d8+2, dodge, prybars)
Morale- 12
Numbers- 1d6+2

The Spear Priestess are the protectors of the temple, the role filled by women who were not as “worthy” to contemplate the mystery of what was inside the box. Instead, they were clad in funeral garb and cursed with immortality. Their ability to have children was taken from them, curved inwards, their holy feminine Azoth used to instead extend their life into immortality. They are all insane and mute, their only goals to protect the temple.

The Spear Priestesses have a long spear with one end affixed a head, and the other is flattened for use as a prybar. The entire spear is made of metal and is nigh unbreakable. The prybar end can be slotted into a stone box's lid to open it at a distance, helpful for avoiding most of the dungeon traps. These priestesses will use these spears if they suspect anyone hiding in the boxes or to realign the dungeon traps themselves, if need be.

The Spear Priestesses are also very fast. They were trained for evasion over direct conflict, after all. They can give up their attack for a turn to focus on defense; increase their AC by +4 if they spend their whole round just dodging attacks.

[5] Time Waster (6 HD, -4 to hit, +6 AC, twin blade attack at 2d6, stuns on critical strike, immune to stun, predictable)
Morale- 10
Numbers- Just one

The Time Waster is a being of magic and the many souls of the priests- the meditations and endless recitation of mystery verses led to this being. It was not formed with intelligence, and is created from a mass of psychic energies. It's body is like a ghostly specter, with many bored faces staring out of the protoplasm. It has two long blades created roughly shaped from iron supports deep within the caverns. Despite being coated with rust, they are quite deadly, though inaccurate and dull. These blades are very heavy and will stun the victim of its attack on double 6s rolled for damage if they don't kill.

The Time-Waster is a magical spirit formed from the humdrum. It can go through walls but has a set pattern. For the first turn, it appears with a ghostly moan. Then it attacks, the nearest target, then it attacks a different random target, then it disappears. On the fifth round, it reappears with a moan again- giving you a chance to attack it as it reconstitutes itself. This pattern is never broken by the creature; it is so unshakable set to this set of actions that it cannot even be stunned out of it.

While this creature is a ghost it is not ethereal and its magical plasm of a body can be destroyed with any type of standard weapon. It is more like psychic goop set into a routine.

[6] Filavagran (1+1 HD, +1 to hit, Claw at 1d3, arrow immune, spell resistance)
Morale- 9
Numbers- 1d8 in the day, 2d10 in the night

It has a long gray body with a purple, grumpy looking face. It looks like a walking worm; an incredibly skinny torso with two spindly legs leading up to its head. They barely fit in the tall ceilings of the Stone-Box Temple; they are about 9 feet tall on average. The Filavagran is so thin that hitting them with an arrow is basically impossible- even if you did it would only be a grazing hit. As such, arrows deal no damage to them unless you're using a specialist, broad arrow head.

The Filavagran are inextricably tied to the natural magic of the world. Each one knows what time it is outside; and they are more dormant during the day. At night, they travel in larger groups and stand in odd places, sometimes stretching to strange angles, as though to better act as a receptor to the magical energy of the stars and cosmos- all from inside the temple. Because of this, they seem to be resistant to all magic and spells. Count any spell that hits them as though they automatically make their saving throws. For some spells that means they are immune to them totally, for others it means they will always take half damage.

Stone-Box Treasures
Within the temple, beyond traps, monsters, and boxes any given box could contain a great treasure. Whenever any box is opened, assume a 1 in 50 chance of a minor treasure or 1 in 100 of a greater treasure. Otherwise the box is empty/filled with dust/has a zombie inside or whatever. Roll 1d6 on this list for minor, 1d4+6 for greater, or 1d10 for totally random.
Big Boxes have double the chance for treasure, but have a 1 in 4 chance to have a Contorted Bones encounter inside. You could also apply this to any box on a raised place or highlighted somehow.

[1] Sunblot Stone (Minor)
Looks like a smooth, off-red stone. If you hold this stone in both hands and toss it up as hard as you can, it will fly to the sun and appear as a spot on it that astrologers will see for weeks. More practically; it creates shade in your immediate area of 1d3 turns.

[2] Jumping Seed (Minor)
This tiny seed-grain is animated with a little devil inside. If placed inside a sack or granary of grain; the devil-seed will start jumping and make all the other grains jump too. If they can rip the bag or get out a crack they'll spend all night marching down to whoever tossed this grain into the bag. Grain stolen this way is sickly sweet and gives you a stomach ache out of guilt, but you could steal entire sacks of grain with this. If you make a loaf of bread with flour from even one of these seeds it will disappear the first time you take your eyes off it. You find 2d2 grains.

[3] Demiurge Wand (Minor)
Despite its powerful and imposing name, this wand is a very minor piece of magic. When waved, you can conjure a single item that can fit in the palm of your hand from nothing. The item will be made of clay, wood, or stone and cannot have any moving parts. It will be painted with shoddy, runny paint but you can make it whatever color you want. The wand crumbles after one use, but the item is real and permanent as any other piece of matter.

[4] Scrap of Infamy (Minor)
This is a small piece of black cloth; once taken from the most horrible and infamous pirate captain in the world. Anyone who sees this piece of cloth feels a sense of dread. If you take it and rip it up, you can force a morale check in a group of enemies who have 10 morale or less. Also if you wear this around you'll become very famous in the local area very quickly; but everyone will find small reasons to hate you and run you out of town in 1d3 days.

[5] Cascade Emblem (Minor)
This magical medallion was hung within a flowing river of eight years. When you wear it, you feel an incredible sense of momentum driving you forward. At the start of each adventure, add +1 to every roll you make on a d20 until you fail a roll. Then, the cascade emblem's power ends until your next adventure after at least a little downtime.

[6] Box Puzzle
This is a magical puzzle box made of stone. It has a difficulty of Hard (7). Once it is solved, you can trap a ghost inside of 3 HD or less and lock the puzzle box back up; the ghost is freed the next time the puzzle box is opened or if destroyed. It is neither a Minor or Greater treasure, as what is inside the puzzle is anybody's guess.

[7] Crown of the King of Life (Greater)
The Crown of some ancient king, roughly made of unrefined pale gold (electrum), with the tips of the crown smooshed flat and formed into leaves like it was made of clay. The crown grants dominion over a small river valley in the oldest civilization in the world; the animals there bow to its wearer and the plants grow at their command. The region is now barren and dry, its resources almost all taken from endless wars and the aqueducts set up by far newer, yet still crumbled empires.

The crown is worth 8000c from raw materials alone, not counting the magic.

[8] Diamond Gauntlet (Greater)
This single metal gauntlet is made of a brown, ocher colored metal. It is very smooth and finely made, but probably very old. On the center of the back of the hand is a large diamond, slotted into the glove. This counts as a +1 magic glove granting +1 to AC and being immune to most destructive spells and normal corrosion or rusting effects of various monsters. Also, the glove has the power to Evoke Will once per day. By evoking your will, you deal your level in bonus damage added to any spell or attack, which causes you to shine in a glowing white light from the hand.

The diamond within this gauntlet is worth 12,000c for its size and luster. Removing the gauntlet's gem will remove its ability to Evoke Will, but it's still a +1 magic gauntlet without it.

[9] Apparition Blade (Greater)
This blade of blueish green steel is designed as an ancient sword might be; a gladius or kopesh is a more fitting style for an old blade like this. This counts as a +2 magic sword, and deals 1d6+2 damage on a successful hit. Whenever you wave this sword around, you can create false images of your attack to your opponent; this throws off their guard. You can fire these projections at anyone within the range of a pike, who see you attack them from multiple angles at once. Everyone you do this to had -4 AC from all incoming attacks next round as they struggle to fend off illusory assaults.

If grinded up into powder by a water-powered millstone or a very dedicated dwarven blacksmith; this sword can be made into powdered apparition-metal. This is a powerful ingredient for the creation of invisibility potions. You could easily get 20,000c just for the powdered metal.

[10] Flying Hunters (Greater)
These are a trio of clay falcons. The falcons are each painted with a single dab of ink on the back of their tails to differentiate them, but are otherwise identical. If thrown into the air, the three falcons can be used either separately or together. If used together, they will fly in a circle around a specific target of interest to the falconer- usually a person or location that can be seen from the sky with their incredible vision. They will follow along with a moving object or living thing to let you track it from a great distance, but they can't see underwater or through heavy tree canopies.

They can also be used separately. If you use the falcons one at a time or with a whistled command, they can be used as 1+1 HD constructs with d4+1 claw attacks who will harry anyone the user wishes. However, the falcons are made of clay and can be destroyed, which spoils the magic. If one of them is destroyed, they can only be used as dive bombing attackers and can no longer circle around a target to help you see them from the ground.

The falcons are made of clay, and have no value without their magical properties.